Dallas Comic Con 2013 has been put to bed for another year. I have a lot of great things to say about this con, and what great guests, dealers, and groups they had. Not only was everyone in good spirits (including William Shatner himself!), but most of the other attendees I met were generally...
Sci-Fi Expo Day 2
posted by Big Dog
After two days at a con, I’m exhausted! I had every intention of getting this out as soon as I got home from Sci-Fi Expo, but I found myself completely wiped out after all the excitement that I was too out of it to put together coherent thoughts! Day 2 had me heading directly to the...
Sci-Fi Expo Day 1
posted by Big Dog
Day 1 of the Sci-Fi Expo at the Irving Convention Center has passed us, and what a day it was! Unlike the other cons that we’ve attended in the past year, we didn’t get much recorded, but that’s not to say I wasn’t mentally taking notes of everything going on. One of...
Thank You, Amanda Ta...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Amanda Tapping. Now here’s a subject that’s very easy for me to talk about. Amanda is one of my favorite actresses from Stargate SG-1. Let me re-word that; not only Stargate, she’s one of my favorite actresses, period. She has played parts in so many sci-fi shows that...
Destination Star Tre...
posted by Carl
Destination Star Trek London is a convention in the UK, and will be the first official Star Trek live event in the UK for 10 years. To mark the occasion all five Star Trek Captains will appear on stage, together, for the first time.  That is correct William Shatner...
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