Review: True Blood – “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” Aug07

Review: True Blood &...

True Blood for this week starts off with the vampires destroying the first of five plants that produce synthetic blood called true blood. This factory was located in Houston and produced approximately 25% of the world’s synthetic blood for vampires. Their plan is to destroy the...

Review: True Blood – “Somebody I Used to Know” Aug02

Review: True Blood &...

If you need to get caught up from last week, or if you missed anything, you can always go back and read my review from last week. But since you’re here, I’m going to go ahead and talk a little bit about it anyway.  If you remember correctly, the vampire leaders...

True Blood – Review of “Hopeless,” Originally Aired on July 15, 2012 Jul20

True Blood – R...

I’ve got to say that True Blood wasn’t something that I thought I would like, when I originally started watching. The opening credits are something that lack taste, I would have to say. I originally started watching it quite by accident. I get into these phases where I...