Podcast #100 –...

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_podcast_100.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSIn the beginning, the four of us sat down in front of microphones and unleashed ourselves upon an unsuspecting world with the misbegotten...

Review – Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo Dec14

Review – Flash...

Before Star Wars, before Star Trek, before Doctor Who… there were names amongst names in science fiction that resonate to this day.  One of the most venerable of that bygone age is Flash Gordon.  How influential is this character?  “Originally I wanted to...

Fringe – Transilience Thought Unifier Model 11 – In Absentia Oct08

Fringe – Trans...

In this review, I will be covering the last two episodes of Fringe. The first episode is “Transilience Thought Unifier Model -11.” This is the first episode of the fifth and final season of Fringe. Our beloved Fringe is going to end after the season....

Book Review: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick Sep23

Book Review: Do Andr...

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was written and first published in 1968. Apparently this was the primary basis for the 1982 film Blade Runner directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison Ford. Unfortunately I did not enjoy this book as much as I’ve enjoyed a lot of the...

Book review: The Zochtil by J.A. Dalley Sep21

Book review: The Zoc...

J.A. Dalley’s book The Zochtil is a military sci-fi story about a boy whose father was a captain of a ship that was destroyed when humans succeeded for the first time in going faster than the speed of light. This boy then spent the next 10 years of his life growing up on the...

Review: Revolution Sep18

Review: Revolution

The first episode of Revolution was on tonight. The first episode left me wanting to see more, and the cast seems to have some interesting conflicts with only one show under its belt. The basic concept of the show is that all power, electricity, and technology with like devices simply stops...

Beyond the Moon – Movie Review #1 in 100 Movies of Sci-Fi Sep09

Beyond the Moon ââ‚...

Beyond the Moon was originally shown in 1956, Richard Crane playing Rocky Jones and Scotty Beckett playing Winky are superstar pilots in this futuristic film about some aliens brainwashing humans to keep them on their side working for them and willing captives of their planet. After returning...

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SciFiFX Podcast #63 ...

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_podcast_63_optimism_for_the_future.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week’s podcast we talk about optimism for the future. We discussed how sci-fi affects the future, and how...

Review: Iron Sky Aug13

Review: Iron Sky

The year is 2018.  African-American model James Washington is sent to the moon as part of a publicity stunt for the President of the United States as part of a re-election campaign.  But when his craft lands a little too close to a secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer...

Back to the Future Part III Was on Tonight Aug10

Back to the Future P...

It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Back to the Future Part III. Just so happens, I was flipping though the channels, and ran into this golden oldie about 3 minutes in. Michael J. Fox plays Marty McFly and his great great great great grandfather Seamus McFly. Now I...

SciFiJunkie’s ...

It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my newsletters. A lot has changed on the website since then. Now, I hate to say it, but I am extremely behind on watching all the new shows recently started. The SyFy Channel was kind enough to start their new season with their...

Thank You, Amanda Tapping! Jul28

Thank You, Amanda Ta...

Amanda Tapping. Now here’s a subject that’s very easy for me to talk about. Amanda is one of my favorite actresses from Stargate SG-1. Let me re-word that; not only Stargate, she’s one of my favorite actresses, period. She has played parts in so many sci-fi shows that...

What’s Your Fandom? Jan06

What’s Your Fa...

Everyone’s got a fandom, whether they admit it or not. Some people watch sports. Some people read trashy romance novels. For some, it’s doing that crossword puzzle in the newspaper. ...