A few more details have surfaced about Joss Whedon’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series.  Whedon has signed a three year deal with Marvel Studios, and part of the deal will see him lead the development of Marvel’s first self produced live-action television series. The title has been...
Can Netflix Save Ter...
posted by Carl
Hot on the news of Fox canceling Terra Nova come the news that the studio behind Terra Nova (20th Century Fox Television) is in talks with Netflix to revive the dormant series. Netflix has been aggressively pursuing licensing a slate of its own original shows. They recently...
Fox Cancels Terra No...
posted by Carl
It comes as no suprise, but Fox has cancelled the Steven Spielberg produced Terra Nova. The show’s mediocre ratings and high cost put it on the chopping block. I for one am sad to see it go, it was not the best SciFi show on TV, but I enjoyed it. Also it was a real...
A Fox Exec Says What...
posted by Carl
Fox chairman Tom Rothman has spoken out about how the success of Marvel’s self produced movies is forcing Fox (and I would think Sony) to up the ante with its own Marvel movies. He notes that the key is the scripts. “I think for all of us, the bar has been...
Fox Renews Fringe fo...
posted by Carl
It seems that not even being relegated to Fox’s Friday Night Death Slot to kill off Fringe. Fox announced today that they would be comissioning a full 22 episode fourth season of Fringe.