Dallas Comic Con 201...

Dallas Comic Con 2013 has been put to bed for another year. I have a lot of great things to say about this con, and what great guests, dealers, and groups they had. Not only was everyone in good spirits (including William Shatner himself!), but most of the other attendees I met were generally...

Sci-Fi Expo Day 2

After two days at a con, I’m exhausted! I had every intention of getting this out as soon as I got home from Sci-Fi Expo, but I found myself completely wiped out after all the excitement that I was too out of it to put together coherent thoughts! Day 2 had me heading directly to the...

Sci-Fi Expo Day 1

Day 1 of the Sci-Fi Expo at the Irving Convention Center has passed us, and what a day it was! Unlike the other cons that we’ve attended in the past year, we didn’t get much recorded, but that’s not to say I wasn’t mentally taking notes of everything going on. One of...

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Dallas Comic Con Presents FanDays Day 3 Oct22

Dallas Comic Con Pre...

The closing day of the con wasn’t nothing of what I expected, but in a very good way! Day 3 saw Carl and I arrive around 30 minutes early, and we were told to come in with the General Admission. With no problems to that effect, we went to the parking garage where they had been lining up...

Dallas Comic Con Presents FanDays: Day 2 Oct20

Dallas Comic Con Pre...

Day 2 of the con was a sheer blast of fun for all involved. When the con opened for guests, my first job was to go and get the autographs that I was missing. Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund and Tara Strong. As always, I felt the butterflies almost immediately as I...

Editorial: Dallas Co...

Let me start off by saying that the opinions expressed in this article are NOT the opinions of SciFiFX or the other members of the writing staff. There are times when you just miss things that are right in front of you. In this case, I missed a YouTube video that was posted after Dallas Comic...

Stan Lees presents: ...

I arrived the second day expecting that there wouldn’t be much of a crowd left. In comparison to day one, there weren’t nearly as many. However, that didn’t mean there weren’t a ton of people! There is talk that the event hosted 20,000 people this year. If correct (on...

Stan Lee presents: D...

Another Dallas Comic Con come and gone.   I think there is a part of me that’s sad to have seen it gone, especially since the first one of these I went to was so small in comparison to what I’ve seen the past 2 days. To say I had a fun experience is understating the situation....