As our favorite Time Lord turns 50 this year, I started thinking back as to what Doctor Who means to me, or has meant to me over the years. Doctor Who means everything to me; it is Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Drama, Historical, Comedy, and anything else you can think of. One story can show you what life was like with the Aztecs, the Romans, or during the French Revolution. Then the next story you can be thrown into the far future facing an evil alien race like the Daleks. The story after that might have you entrenched in a moral or ethical dilemma, or laughing out loud at your TV screen. You never know what might be just...
Podcast #122 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss Doctor Who: The Web of Fear, staring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor, Nicholas Courtney as Colonel...
Podcast #121 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss Doctor Who: The Enemy Of The World, staring Patrick Troughton as The Doctor. Â Until recently the...
Missing Doctor Who Episodes Found!
posted by Carl
I know that anyone interested in the missing episodes has already read about the missing Doctor Who episodes that have been found and were announced today. So let’s cut to the chase, the BBC officially announced today that 9 previously missing episodes of Doctor Who from the 1960s had not only been recovered, but have already been digitally re-mastered. In addition to that, at the writing of this article the episodes are already available for download from iTunes! The episodes specifically recovered are from 2 Patrick Troughton (The 2nd Doctor) stories. The Enemy of the World is a six episode story. Episodes 1, 2, 4, 5,...
Doctor Who 50th Specials Announced!
posted by Carl
The BBC have released the promotional poster for the 50th anniversary special titled The Day of the Doctor.  They also announced a wide array of specials to celebrate everyone’s favorite Time Lord. The full BBC press release can be found here. The countdown starts here as the BBC reveals its plans to take over TV and radio to mark the Doctor’s 50th anniversary. With special programmes planned across the BBC, the celebrations will peak on 23 November with the anniversary episode, revealed as The Day Of The Doctor. Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant and Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt, the special for BBC...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
I’ve said it many times, and I’ll never stop reminding people: my first memory of life is seeing Star Wars opening day on the big screen.  That little movie informed me of a great many things that I would later go on to discover, which includes several points along the...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #27 – “The One Doctor†From Big Finish’s site: When the evil Skelloids launch an attack upon the seventeen worlds of the Generios system, its...
Doctor Who Turns 49!
posted by Carl
There has been a lot of talk this year about the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, but that is a year away. Let us not forget that on this day 49 years ago Doctor Who premiered on the small screen, and for the last 49 years has provided us with excitement, adventure, education, and...
Doctor Who Spearhead...
posted by Carl
It has been wondered, rumored, and teased about for years, and now next year it will become a reality. The most recent issue of Doctor Who Magazine had a list of the DVD/Blu-Ray releases for 2013. And low and behold a Blu-Ray release for Spearhead From Space is slated for release in...
The Dark Doctor
posted by Carl
I know a lot of Doctor Who fans seem to see the Doctor as this mythical character that never uses a gun, doesn’t kill, isn’t violent, and always tries to save everyone. Most of the time that is true, but there are times the Doctor can become a very...
SyFy Picks Up BBC Se...
posted by Carl
I haven’t heard anything about this series until I got the press release.  But after watching the trailer I have to say it looks like it has definite potential. SyFy Press Release: SYFY ACQUIRES INTERNATIONAL HIT ADVENTURE FANTASY SERIES SINBAD FROM BBC WORLDWIDE...
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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CafePress Licensed t...
posted by Carl
BBC Worldwide Americas have signed a license agreement with CafePress to sell official Doctor Who merchandise. CafePress Press Release: Licensing Agreement Enables Fans to Celebrate Highly Anticipated 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who Series With Unique Branded Merchandise LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept....
2012 Hugo Award Winn...
posted by Carl
Last night the 2012 Hugo Award Winners were announced. Congratulations go out to all the winners and nominees from the staff at SciFiFX. The Hugo Awards are awarded every year at the the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). The The Hugo Finalists and winners are select by members of...
Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
Well, the first episode of series 7/33 of Doctor Who has aired. While it was an enjoyable watch as always, I did have a few problems with it. *****SPOILERS***** I still don’t buy that the Daleks wouldn’t just destroy any damaged or insane Daleks....
Doctor Who: Pond Lif...
posted by Carl
Here is, the fifth and final installment of the ultra-mini-series The Pond Life. Things don’t look to good for the Ponds. Watch Asylum of the Daleks, the new Doctor Who adventure, on BBC One on Saturday 01 September at 7.20pm, or BBC America and Space at 9:00pm...
Doctor Who: Pond Lif...
posted by Carl
Here is, the fourth installment of the ultra-mini-series The Pond Life. One could get used to having an Ood around. Watch Asylum of the Daleks, the new Doctor Who adventure, on BBC One on Saturday 01 September at 7.20pm, or BBC America and Space at 9:00pm...
Doctor Who: Pond Lif...
posted by Carl
Here is, the third installment of the ultra-mini-series The Pond Life. This would be an Ood way to wake up in the morning. Watch Asylum of the Daleks, the new Doctor Who adventure, on BBC One on Saturday 01 September at 7.20pm, or BBC America and Space at 9:00pm...
Doctor Who: Pond Lif...
posted by Carl
Here’s, Part 2 in the ultra-mini-series The Pond Life Fun, but just more Timey Wimey stuff. Watch Asylum of the Daleks, the new Doctor Who adventure, on BBC One on Saturday 01 September at 7.20pm, or BBC America and Space at 9:00pm Eastern.
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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Doctor Who: Pond Lif...
posted by Carl
Here it is, the first in the ultra-mini-series The Pond Life Not much to it, but quite fun. Watch Asylum of the Daleks, the new Doctor Who adventure, on BBC One on Saturday 01 September at 7.20pm, or BBC America and Space at 9:00pm Eastern.
Doctor Who Series 7,...
posted by Carl
At long last the BBC has announced that Series 7/33 of Doctor Who will premiere on September 1st! The season opener “Asylum of the Daleks,” starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillen as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams will air on BBC 1 on September 1st...
Blake’s 7 Retu...
posted by Carl
Yep, the owners of the Blake’s 7 series have been trying to get a reboot on the screen for a long time.  The project has been on and off for several years.  But it appears that has all changed now. SyFy has signed on to develop the cult UK SciFi series with Georgeville...
An Adventure in Time...
posted by Carl
Doctor Who and Sherlock writer Mark Gatiss has been commissioned by BBC Two to write a drama to tell the story of the genesis of Doctor Who.  The drama titled An Adventure in Time and Space will be 90 minutes long and is set to air in 2013 as part of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary...
Big Finish Doctor Wh...
posted by Carl
The BBC, or more precisely AugioGO have extended Big Finish’s license to produce Doctor Who audio adventures until December 2015. Jason Haigh-Ellery (Executive Producer): I’m so excited that we can continue our voyages with the Doctor for at least another three years, and so...
BBC Greenlights Mupp...
posted by Carl
The Muppets are coming back to the small screen. The BBC have greenlit a a new series called Muppets No Strings Attached, it will have a similar format to the original Muppet Show. No Strings Attached will be a variety show, have two celebrity guests per episode, and...
AudioGo, Doctor Who ...
posted by Carl
AudioGo is asking all Doctor Who fans to dig through their personal archives to locat any off-air recordings of Doctor Who related items from BBC TV and radio programs, especially those recorded in the 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s. They are looking for interviews with the cast and crew of...