The SciFiJunkie News...

It appears that I may just have to move a little bit further away from work so that I have enough time in the car to listen to a few more audio books. After finishing the first of the Star Force series called Swarm, and already having Ender’s Game on my schedule for...

SciFiJunkie Newslett...

I’ll be the first to admit there’s no way to anticipate something like this happening in any given month following a newsletter where I said that I could not possibly have cooler month coming then the one that I just had. So when they gave me the bit of the awesome news...

Newsletter: Septembe...

Well it’s been just over a month since my last newsletter, and there’s been a lot going on in my sci-fi world every sense. I have had a very awesome last two weeks or even a month of sci-fi. It all began with the current series going on of Warehouse 13 and Alphas. It’s been...

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SciFiJunkie’s ...

It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my newsletters. A lot has changed on the website since then. Now, I hate to say it, but I am extremely behind on watching all the new shows recently started. The SyFy Channel was kind enough to start their new season with their...

SciFiJunkie Weekly N...

Well, it is getting to be that time of year again when Official Pix Presents the SciFiExpo. This small show appear to be making a run at a larger venue. Switching from the original venues in Richardson (The Civic Center) and the Plano Centre in Plano Texas. In the past Ben Stevens hosted...

Weekly SciJunkie New...

Well this week we launched our new podcast and let me know tell you I was hoping this first few weeks just to get the tech aspects out of the way so I could focus on having a little fun while casting. I had little tech issues and had more fun than I thought I ever would. I can not wait to have...

Weekly Sci-Fi Junkie...

This week I checked out sites that keep some of the coolest stuff that I have never noticed or seen prior to this writing of the article. I often find myself looking for new things in the Sci-Fi world but never seem to know where to look, so this week I checkout good old Google for a few...