Book Review: Supernatural: Fresh Meat Mar08

Book Review: Superna...

Titan Books has given me the pleasure to review Supernatural: Fresh Meat, written by Alice Henderson. For those unfamiliar with the show: Sam & Dean Winchester grew up hunting monsters. Sam breaks away for a time, but eventually Dean comes calling when their dad goes missing. Season after...

Book Review – Everybody Loves Tank Girl Feb27

Book Review – ...

This might be the most difficult review I’ve written to date.  It’s not because the material is bad, but it’s because periodically I like to challenge myself with something so far beyond my normal wheelhouse that it might as well be alien to me.  That’s...

Goldtiger: How You C...

SciFiFx received a press release from Guy Adams, in the hopes of getting help with a new project that he and Jimmy Broxton are starting. This is the sort of project that I’m always willing to support, because it’s got a great deal of nostalgia to it, for being something new. I have...

Book Review: Dead Space: Liberation Feb18

Book Review: Dead Sp...

To wrap up the last of the Dead Space graphic novels, here is the review on Dead Space: Liberation. This one sees Christopher Shy return as the artist and Ian Edington take over the writing duties. This book takes place in between the events of Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. I’m...

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Book Review: Dead Space: Salvage Feb17

Book Review: Dead Sp...

Let’s delve once more into the Dead Space Universe with Dead Space: Salvage. This entry was written by Antony Johnston and the art was done by Christopher Shy. This was much shorter to read than the first graphic novel of this series, and instead picks up in the middle of the events...

Book Review: Dead Space (2008) Feb14

Book Review: Dead Sp...

Thanks to the kindness of Titan Books, I’ve been given the chance to read Dead Space  by Antony Johnston, and art by Ben Templesmith.   This graphic novel is a prequel to the video game of the same name, a film called Dead Space: Downfall, and the Wii entry, Dead...

Book Review: Encounters of Sherlock Holmes Feb13

Book Review: Encount...

Whenever I post a review about a book or, as in this case, an anthology of short stories that deals with beloved characters or settings, I like to remind those who read these reviews that I am an incredibly harsh critic when it comes to those characters with whom I’m intimately familiar...

Editorial: Orson Sco...

Yet another controversy for the Man of Steel has arisen. DC has made the move to get reknowned science fiction writer, Orson Scott Card, to pen the Adventures of Superman. The first issue will hit the digital work in April and on paper in May. This has many people upset, because of the...

Book Review – The Wizard of Oz: A Steampunk Adventure Feb03

Book Review – ...

About three weeks ago, author S. D. Stuart emailed SciFiFX and requested that we review his novel, The Wizard of Oz: A Steampunk Adventure, for our site.  With apologies to the author for the amount of time it took to get this review posted, I nevertheless offer it here for...

Book Review: Warlord of the Air Jan28

Book Review: Warlord...

One of the things I’m coming to respect about Titan Books is that they’re reprinting some of the lost genre greats.  Granted, I wouldn’t exactly refer to Michael Moorcock as “lost,” but some of his works are a little harder to find sometimes since...

James P. Blaylock: T...

Readers might recall that I recently reviewed The Aylesford Skull by Steampunk Legend James P. Blaylock. With immense gratitude to Mr. Blaylock and Titan Books, we’ve got a special treat today.  SciFiFX was invited to be a part of The Aylesford Skull...

The SciFiJunkie News...

It appears that I may just have to move a little bit further away from work so that I have enough time in the car to listen to a few more audio books. After finishing the first of the Star Force series called Swarm, and already having Ender’s Game on my schedule for...

Book Review: Swarm by B. V. Larson Jan10

Book Review: Swarm b...

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, but I haven’t been doing a lot of reviews. In all reality I’ve been doing a lot of listening to audio books downloaded from I have a large amount of time each day driving, and I have used this time to get my daily fix of...

Book Review – The Aylesford Skull Jan08

Book Review – ...

SciFiFX celebrates the release of author James P. Blaylock‘s first full length steampunk novel in 20 years! For the uninitiated, James P. Blaylock is considered to be one of the founding fathers of steampunk, along with Tim Powers and K. W. Jeter, all three of whom are incredibly...

Review – Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo Dec14

Review – Flash...

Before Star Wars, before Star Trek, before Doctor Who… there were names amongst names in science fiction that resonate to this day.  One of the most venerable of that bygone age is Flash Gordon.  How influential is this character?  “Originally I wanted to...

SciFiFX Book Club Dec09

SciFiFX Book Club

We announced on our last podcast that we have decided to start a monthly book club.  On the first podcast of the month we will randomly choose a book from out database.  The next month we will discuss that book. The selection this month is book 1 of The Dresden Files: Storm...

Book Review: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War Dec04

Book Review: World W...

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks wasn’t anything of what I was expecting it to be. I was expecting the actual zombie war, and what I got was – as the title states – “An Oral History of the Zombie War.” Let me start off...

Review: Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration Dec02

Review: Tarzan: The ...

If you are a Tarzan fan, or even if you’re not, then I want to recommend Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration to you! Author (and Edgar Rice Burroughs expert) Scott Tracy Griffin has brought forth a labor of love for fans and newbies alike to enjoy. What makes it amazing is that it’s...

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Book Review: Anno Dracula Dec02

Book Review: Anno Dr...

I’ve pimped this series on our podcast a couple of times, but having just finished book 3, I felt it was high time (indeed, long overdue) that I worked up a proper review for these books.  To start things off, let me just open with a quote from an acknowledged master of the...

Review – Docto...

Doctor Who: The Coming of the Terraphiles Synopsis: Miggea: a world on the edge of reality, a point where space-time threatens to collapse, and the venue for the grand finals of the competition to win the fabled Arrow of Law. The Doctor and Amy join the Terraphiles, one of the teams of...

Book Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Nov16

Book Review: The Hun...

Mockingjay is the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. It was also probably the one that I enjoyed the most. Each of the three books in the series continues right where the previous one left off. Suzanne Collins takes this story and runs with it all the way to the end. This book is...

Doctor Who: The Ange...

The book The Angel’s Kiss that featured in The Angels Take Manhattan, was released as an e-book.  Now it is being released by AudioGO as an audio book, read by none other than Alex Kingston herself. From AudioGO: This month AudioGO have scooped an exclusive coup! River Song...

Book: Treason by Orson Scott Card Nov14

Book: Treason by Ors...

It has been a month or two from the last book review that I did. I have been very busy working on my own novel, and with the first draft completed, I got right back with another book. It was little hard getting out of my own creative form and back to listening to someone else tell the...

Prodigy Contest!

Prodigy, the second book in the Legend Trilogy by writer Marie Lu, is scheduled to be released on January 29th 2013.  SciFiFX is giving you the chance to win a copy of the first book in the trilogy, Legend.  All you have to do to for a chance to win is send an e-mail...

Free Audio Book from...

Two years ago author Neil Gaiman started a new Halloween tradition called All Hallow’s Read where people give each other scary books.  This year he has teamed with to give away a scary short story audio book written and read by Neil Gaiman....

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