Interview: A Conversation with DC’s Guardian


DC’s Guardian

A long while back,  our podcast had the pleasure of talking with Death’s Head Moth; a Real Life Superhero.   Many people, much as I used to be, don’t take the concept very seriously.  However, there are men and women who put on their uniforms/costumes (both terms are used) and do their best to help their community in various ways.   A great amount of them do charity work,  some do what the average person might believe a superhero would do.   In either case, the title has a great amount of merit that I have come to respect a great deal.

To that end, I was able to get in touch with another of the RLSH that I have heard a great deal about; DC’s Guardian.   He very graciously offered his time and efforts into answering some questions, and we here at SciFiFX wish to thank him for this, and wish him good fortunes in his endeavors.


BD: I’m certain this one gets asked of you all the time, but what made you decide to become a Real Life Superhero?

DCG: I don’t think it was a decision I consciously made. At the time I became recognized as an RLSH, I was president of the group Skiffytown League of Heroes, a children’s charity group that originated from the SciFi show “Who Wants to be a Superhero (WWSH)”.

BD: Where did you come up with the persona of the DC Guardian? Obviously you have worked in the nation’s capitol, but what were the inspirations behind the identity and uniform?

DCG: While watching season 1 of WWSH with family, (because it rewarded people for doing the right things versus backstabbing or demeaning) and it was suggested I try out if there was a season two. I couldn’t say “do as I say, not as I do,” so I agreed. I’ve been doing things in costume for a while, but nothing “put together,” so it was time to sit down and really think about what I could create. I was working in my perfect job and didn’t want to jeopardize it, so I couldn’t go into this to get on the show, and I didn’t want to just throw something together. My family and friends know me better than that. I looked at what inspired me, what I believed in, and what I wanted to promote. DC’s Guardian came from that. Red white and blue, the love I have for my country and its ideals. A full mask, no skin shows because this country is a melting pot of so many backgrounds and so many nationalities. I wanted to simply say it doesn’t matter what color my skin is, it doesn’t matter who is under the mask. I’m simply an American and that should be all that matters. The American dream is for everyone, and everyone has input into it.

BD: I’ve heard that, in the past, you would hand out copies of the Constitution to people. Why did you do this, and do you still do this?

DCG: I carry several copies of it. I hand them out if people are willing to accept it. I don’t force them on anyone. I believe if people are going to support, or complain about America, they should have a personal understanding of the documents that are the basis for it. Regardless of your view, you should know for yourself what they say and what they mean. It’s okay to disagree. You should, however, be able to point to the original document and say this is why I disagree. Too many people take one side or the other simply based on someone else’s interpretation. That is not right. I love this country and I’m always up for a good discussion. I just ask that you know what you’re discussing. Learn the history, both the good and bad.

Death's Head MothBD: Our podcast has had the pleasure of talking to Death’s Head Moth, and he said that a great amount of time was spent doing legwork on investigating claims. That a majority of his time wasn’t spent just going out in costume and busting heads. Does this match your experience?

DCG: Death’s Head Moth is a great example of someone who tries to do the right thing. He is very conscious about what can happen. He is a good leader in the community. As for me, my fights are different than his. Before I get into my experiences, I’d like to say there are many RLSH’s around the country and there are still more around the world. Each one fights a different battle and even those that are similar have very different ways they need to accomplish them. Deaths Head Moth works in an area where his outfit, his posture, and his methods works well for what he has to fight. Mr.Extreme (San Diego) has his fights that require his outfit to look and work a certain way. Good Samaritan (Los Angeles) looks vastly different from many, because his fights are on a different level than anyone else’s. Knights Vigil (East Coast) is fighting the same fight as Good Samaritan, but his area requires a different approach. We all fight for similar goals, but we must all fight the fights we are presented with.

I am based out of Washington DC, but I am currently on the west coast. In DC,.I have to deal with Secret Service, Park Police, FBI, and local law enforcement. I have to be very above board. I have to be someone our nation’s capital would expect to see. I could not do what I do for very long dressed as Deaths Head Moth. It doesn’t mean we fight different battles, we just have to do it differently. . .

BD: When you see others take up the cause of the Real Life Superhero, what goes through your mind? Does it concern you that they may get hurt or that they might become overzealous in their want to help the public?

DCG: This is actually a very timely question for me. I have some who actively complain about my relationship with the RLSH community because there are some in the community who have and might become overzealous. It always concerns me when people put themselves out there to help their community and go out in costume, or out of costume. I balance that concern with the fact that by being part of the community I might be able to help bring balance to someone’s need to do something right now and the need to be prepared for it. To help others think it out, approach it safely, and properly. There are many in the community. Razorhawk, Nyx., Life, Night Owl, Thanatos, the list goes on, who do their own thing in their communities, but also spend a lot of time trying to help others. Regardless of the title RLSH, or simple citizen, they try to help them become involved and be safe, and within the law. And I would suggest anyone wanting to help, they should seek the assistance of a mentor in whatever field you want. Whether it’s in your job, or in your passions, a mentor can be invaluable. Seek guidance from those around you. If we are really honest with ourselves, we could learn a lot from those who went before.

BD: I try to steer away from the idea of comic book heroes in making comparisons here. In this instance, combined with the previous question about being overzealous, how grateful are you that there are a lack of anti-heroes running around. For instance, someone who patterned themselves more like the Punisher instead of Superman. What might you do if faced with that situation?

DCG: I have no illusions that there may be some who do pattern themselves as the Punisher versus Captain America, but I think reality sets in very fast. There is evil in the world, that is why there is law and good men and women who put on badges, or uniforms to confront it. Most of the RLSH’s I’ve met or been in contact with are very aware that we are a second set of eyes and ears. .We are not the Punisher. We do not, or should not, take the law into our own hands. As with any group, you will always hear about the 10% who are stupid and do the wrong things. You really don’t hear about the 90% who do great things every day. Those are the ones I try let the world know about.

BD: Going back to others joining the cause, what reasons would you give them to join and what reasons would you give them NOT to join?

DCG: I have never asked anyone to join or not join. My outfit affords me the opportunity to speak often to kids, and adults, about themselves. I talk about building up their own foundations, strengthening their own life, their own household, their own community. My outfit allows me to help shine a spotlight on the message. It’s not John Doe saying it, it’s an idea, there is so much need in the world. It takes nothing more than one person standing up and doing something about it. It doesn’t take anything more than effort and you don’t need a costume to do that.

BD: I read on, on the Death’s Head Moth page, someone asking to be his sidekick. Have you been faced with similar instances?

DCG: I am more the sidekick than the hero. When I put the mask on and offer my services to someone, or to charities, it is always to help. I am a servant. If I’m called a leader I would like to be a servant leader. And when someone asks me if I need a sidekick, I say no. But I’m willing to be their sidekick, because if they have a heart to help, I’m always willing to try and be there for them.

BD: You have worked with a group called the Skiffytown League of Heroes, of which you are a founding member. Do you still work with this group?

DCG: I will always be available to Skiffytown if the opportunity arises. There are some very good people who really want to make a positive difference. Like anything else, new blood needs to take the reins every so often. Because I was president, I have distanced myself so the new leadership would have the freedom to set their own path for its next phase. I will always have a soft spot for Skiffy, for those that are there, and those that have gone.

BD: I have noticed you do charity work, what charities do you work with?

DCG: I work with any charity that will have me. I’ve worked with VA homes, cancer runs, blood drives, homeless outreaches, at risk kids, schools, Operation Shoe Box, Operation Gratitude, Fisher House, HOPE (a Razorhawk event), Toys for Tots, safe communities. Any charity that asks, and I can support, I’ll work.

BD: Is there anything else you would like to tell the public? Any words of encouragement or perhaps just some information on how or where to make donations to your favorite charities?

DCG: Life is too short not to get involved, whether it’s local or national. It doesn’t take a fancy costume. It takes a caring heart. See a need, fill a need. Sometimes the biggest impact could be the smallest gesture. Say thank you to the checkout clerk, help someone put groceries in their trunk, smile. You don’t know what they’ve been through. Your little gesture could be what helps them get over their own problems. Everyone is an example: a good one, or bad one. You need to honestly assess each night which you were and vow to improve or continue tomorrow. Think about what you would or would not be like if someone took the time with you.


Again, I wish to thank DC’s Guardian for his time, and I hope to catch up with him and other RLSH in the future!   If you support these guys, then find what charities they work with, or any charity at all and donate. Your time or money is very appreciated when helping someone in need.