For those of us who can’t get enough TRON, Disney XD will be premiering a new series TRON: Uprising. The show will premier on Thursday June 7th. Uprising will follow the story of Beck, a young program voiced by Elijah Wood. Beck leads a revolution inside The...
Bitterblue Book Cont...
posted by Carl
Kristin Cashore has just released her latest book in the Graceling series, BitterBlue. Bitterblue is the long-awaited companion to New York Times bestsellers Graceling and Fire. Eight years after Graceling, Bitterblue is now queen of Monsea. But the influence of her father, a violent...
Fringe Renewed for F...
posted by Carl
Fox has renewed Fringe for its fifth and final season. Fox ordered 13 episodes for the final season, bringing the series to a total of 100 episodes. 100 episodes is usually the threshold for getting a series into syndication. Because the official descision came so late, the cast and crew shot...