The Darkest Hour TV Trailer Nov23

The Darkest Hour TV ...

New TV Trailer for The Darkest Hour.  I still think that’s a really great special effect when someone gets zapped by the aliens. The Darkest Hour opens in theaters Christmas Day.     Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

Review #8 – Cl... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSBig Dog reviews the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Darkness on Umbara story arc. Episode Description: “The first step...

SciFiFX Podcast #35 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the Nudist in Portland who re-created the Tauntaun scene from Empire Strikes Back with a horse.  Then we have a...

DC Nation Teaser Nov15

DC Nation Teaser

Next year Cartoon Network is starting up their new DC Nation.  DC Nation will be made up of lots of shows inspired by DC Comics characters, and lots of shorts, as well as DC Comics based news.  Here is the teaser commercial for what’s coming...

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IDW Star Trek Previe...

The Star Trek 10o page Spectacular goes on sale on November 16th 2011. as always click on the pics for bigger versions. Star Trek 100-Page Spectacular John Byrne, Scott & David Tipton, Stuart Moore, (w) • John Byrne, David Messina, Federica Manfredi, Mike Hawthorne (a)...

Review #6 – Su... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSI review This weeks Supernatural Season 7 Episode 8 Time For A Weddding! It’s a fun episdoe full of some good twists...

DC Universe Online I...

DC Universe Online is now free to play, but there are ingame purchases.  You can donwload it for PC at the DC Universe Online site.  If you have a PS3 it can be downloaded from the Play Station Network   Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

Snow White & the Huntsman Nov11

Snow White & th...

The first trailer has surfaced for Snow White & the Huntsman.  I hadn’t really given this movie much though, but after seeing the trailer, I think I’m going to have to go see it when it comes out next Summer. Snow White & the Huntsman stars Kristen Stewart, Charlize...

Review #4 – Te... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSToday I review Terra Nova – Nightfall with Jason O’Mara. Just a quick review to give you an idea how things are going. I...

IDW Star Trek/Legion...

Alright time for another IDW Preview! Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #2. Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #2 (of 6) Chris Roberson (w) • Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy (a) • Phil Jimenez, Steve Lightle (c) The epic IDW/DC Comics crossover continues Captain Kirk and...

IDW Doctor Who Previ...

We’ve acquired a preview of IDW’s Doctor Who Season 2 #11 which comes out on November 9th. Doctor Who #11 Tony Lee (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • Mark Buckingham, photo (c) Bodysnatchers: The finale! Finding themselves inside an alien asylum, the...

Review #3 – Sa... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is a review of Sanctuary Resistance with Amanda Tapping. I review Sanctuary for a second week in a row as in remains one of the...

SciFiFX NewsCast #00... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the first episode of our new weekly NewsCast.  Every week we will have a short podcast covering the SciFi news from the...

Review #2 – Fr... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSAnother short review by Matt McIntosh this time around I tell you about this weeks Fringe Novation with Joshua Jackson. Again,...

Reviews #1 – S... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSOur first review of ongoing t.v. shows and movies, this is Sanctuary with Amanda Tapping – Monsoon. Here is a couple of promo...

Karen Gillan Wants A...

Karen Gillan, the actress that plays Amy Pond on Doctor Who, has said that she would like Amy Pond to be killed off in an emotional goodbye. Speaking to Graham Norton on BBC Radio 2 Saturday morning,  Karen hoped that fans would remember her time on Doctor Who as a ‘good...

Star Wars: The Phant...

The Star War Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D trialer in glorious 2D! Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:

The Final Muppet Parody Trailer? Oct27

The Final Muppet Par...

Alright, they claim that this is the final Muppet parody trailer.  I for one hope that it isn’t.  These parody trailers are brilliant.  Hopefully they will continue to make parody trailers for other movies to put on their you tube channel.  But enough of...

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The Walking Dead wil...

After a record breaking season 2 premier of 7.3 million viewers AMC has announce the renewal of The Walking Dead for a third season. AMC’s President, Charlie Collier said: “Today we are pleased to announce that the ‘dead’ shall live as we...

Save Doctor Who Conf...

Help save Doctor Who Confidential by signing the Petition.  The Save Doctor Who Confidential group will take a count of the petition signatures on Friday, October 28th at midnight and then send the signatures to the BBC Trust. Follow @SaveDWC on twitter or like them on Facebook...

Chuck Season 5 Preview Oct24

Chuck Season 5 Previ...

Here is a preview of the upcomming 5th and final season of Chuck, which premieres this Friday on NBC.   Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

SciFiFX Podcast #32 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the last 2 years of Doctor Who and where we hope it goes in the future.  We then talk about the differences...

Chronicle Trailer

Chronicle is a movie that follows three superpowered teens around camcorder style.  From the trailer they do exactly what you would expect teens with superpowers to do, basically just have some fun and play minor pranks.  That is until one of them snaps and goes Dark...

Fourth Star Ship Tro...

Yes that’s right they are making a fourth Star Ship Troopers movie, but don’t worry too much this one is going to be a CG animated feature.  Titled Starship Troopers: Invasion, its set to go straight to DVD/Blu-ray.  Yep it’s...

Sherlock Holmes: A G...

This looks like it will be a lot of fun, a fitting sequel. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:

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