Build the Enterprise May12

Build the Enterprise

One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energy – maybe even the atom. Energy that could ultimately hurl men to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will find ways to feed the hungry millions of the...

Preview: SyFy’...

Synopsis: When a family in Normal Alaska receives a mysterious gift of a Snow Globe on Christmas Eve all Snowmageddon breaks loose.  Snowmageddon premiers on the SyFy Channel on Saturday December 10th at 9PM Eastern Time. My Thoughts: Snowmageddon has some really good concepts, they...

Portland Nudist Pose...

Jasha Lottin, a 21 year-old aspiring model and nudist from Portland was questioned extensively by Washington County Sheriff’s Deputies, after she posted gory photos of herself naked inside a horse on the internet.  A horse that she purchased, shot, gutted, posed naked inside of,...

Warner Brothers to S...

Warner in a move similar to the way Disney handles their animated movies appears to be retiring the boy wizard to the Chamber of Secrets (AKA Disney Vault), in an attempt to spur sales of the final Harry Potter movie and the complete Harry Potter Box Set.  This move will surely push...

Steven Moffat on Con...

In the most recent edition of Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat has given his opinion on the controversial cancellation of Doctor Who Confidential. “It seems hard to grasp. All shows have their time, and all shows end, but not, in all sanity, while people still watch and love...

Terra Nova borrows from many SciFi Franchises Oct09

Terra Nova borrows f...

Yes Terra Nova borrows from many SciFi franchises, but that can be a good thing if done properly. Premise:  In the future mankind has ecologically ruined the earth to the point where you have to wear a re-breather just to go outside.  Fresh or...

Doctor Who Target Re...

Diamond Book Distributors have announced that the first three of the Target reprints are shipping this week. The Target novelizations of the Classic Doctor Who series were created in a time before frequent repeats and home video.  For the longest time they were the only way fans could...

Rory Will Be Returni...

Arthur Darvill has confirmed that he will be returning next year to play Rory Williams. He will not confirm to how many episodes he will be in. When asked if he would be returning Darvill replied, “I will be coming back at some point… There is an involvement in...

Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes Aug29

Review: Rise of the ...

The best science fiction throughout the generations examines the undercurrents of the human experience.  It examines our hopes.  It plays on our fears.  It propels our dreams and makes us face our demons head-on.  There was a time not so long ago when filmmakers...

Rory Will Be Returni...

Arthur Darvill has confirmed that he will be returning next year to play Rory Williams. He will not confirm to how many episodes he will be in. When asked if he would be returning Darvill replied, “I will be coming back at some point… There is an involvement in...

3 New Doctor Who Boo...

Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia By Garry Russell October 13, 2011 I know what you’re thinking, “We already bought this didn’t we?”. Well yes and no, Garry Russell did release a Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia back in 2007 which covers the first three seasons since Doctor Who...

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Review: Captain Amer...

Let’s be honest: director Joe Johnston is a hit-and-miss director at best, but it’s not his style that sullies his reputation, it’s the script he’s handed to work with.  Visually and stylistically, the man excels, doing the best he can with what he’s...

Editorial: Big Dog’s Thoughts on Superman’s Citizenship May05

Editorial: Big Dog&#...

I know people that are coming to read this will already note that VaderFan blogged about this last week. Actually, I’m quite glad that he did, because at least he was able to find the words at the time that I couldn’t. Believe me, I tried. Some people have...

Editorial: Defrauding Fandom Apr14

Editorial: Defraudin...

I learned a name on Wednesday; Rob Granito. For those of you unfamiliar with him I give you this link: For those of you not wanting to read this news article, then let me fill you in on the gist. Granito is an artist of some...

Editorial: Responsibility and Entitlement Apr01

Editorial: Responsib...

If you’ve listened to the podcast in recent weeks, then you’ve heard some news about Jack Kirby and the Siegel & Shuster Estates trying to get control and money over their creations. Here on the website and DEFINITELY in the podcast, we’ve talked about George...