Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #30 – “Seasons of Fear” From Big Finish’s site: On New Year’s Eve, 1930, the Doctor lets Charley keep her appointment at the Raffles Hotel in...

Fringe – Transilience Thought Unifier Model 11 – In Absentia Oct08

Fringe – Trans...

In this review, I will be covering the last two episodes of Fringe. The first episode is “Transilience Thought Unifier Model -11.” This is the first episode of the fifth and final season of Fringe. Our beloved Fringe is going to end after the season....

Review: Looper Oct01

Review: Looper

Looper is movie primarily about four characters: Joe played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the older version of Joe played by Bruce Willis, Sara played by Emily Blunt, and her child Sid played by Pierce Gagnon. Joe is a Looper, which is basically a guy hired by the mob in the year 2072 to do a...

Book Review: Time Will Tell By Eddie Upnick Sep19

Book Review: Time Wi...

This book was another one of those surprises that you are never really expecting. I needed something quick to read, or rather listen to, on my trip I was taking this past weekend. I needed to make sure that everything would work perfectly while I was driving, so of course I deferred to...

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Review – Big F...

I’m hoping I’m wrong in my early misgivings regarding Series 7 of Doctor Who.  I’ll find out soon enough.  In the meantime, I’ve decided that it’s time to reclaim some of the fandom...

Back to the Future Part III Was on Tonight Aug10

Back to the Future P...

It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Back to the Future Part III. Just so happens, I was flipping though the channels, and ran into this golden oldie about 3 minutes in. Michael J. Fox plays Marty McFly and his great great great great grandfather Seamus McFly. Now I...