Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #17 – “Sword of Orion” From Big Finish’s site: One of our very best-selling releases. Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor along with his brand new...

Review: Doctor Who: ...

  This years’ Doctor Who Christmas special, The Snowmen, was an exciting fun fairy tale romp of an adventure.  The Doctor has been in a self imposed exile living in London in 1892.  He has parked the TARDIS in the clouds and has an invisible staircase...

The Doctor Saved Us!

It’s December 22, which means the feared Mayan doomsday prophecies were averted.  How did it happen?  Much speculation abounds, but we at SciFiFX have the scoop.  The answer, apparently, is a madman with a box who was determined to make a movie. Our source...

Review – Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo Dec14

Review – Flash...

Before Star Wars, before Star Trek, before Doctor Who… there were names amongst names in science fiction that resonate to this day.  One of the most venerable of that bygone age is Flash Gordon.  How influential is this character?  “Originally I wanted to...

Podcast #87 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the current state of Film Restoration, and some of the “improvments” that are being done to films when...

Podcast #86 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss NaNoWriMo, or the National Novel Writing Month.  Basically NaNoWriMo is...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #11 – “The Apocalypse Element” (Dalek Empire Part Two) From Big Finish’s site: When the planet Archetryx is threatened by a Dalek assault squad, the...

Podcast #82 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm, and all that it could entail, or as Troy so aptly put it, the...

SciFiJunkie Newslett...

I’ll be the first to admit there’s no way to anticipate something like this happening in any given month following a newsletter where I said that I could not possibly have cooler month coming then the one that I just had. So when they gave me the bit of the awesome news...

Disney To Acquire Lucasfilm Oct30

Disney To Acquire Lucasfilm

Long story short – Lucasfilm is sold to Disney, and fans can look for Star Wars Episode VII in 2015.  Want the details?  Here’s what we know. The following is a press release posted at The Walt Disney Company website: Global leader in high-quality family entertainment agrees to acquire world-renowned Lucasfilm Ltd, including legendary STAR WARS franchise. Acquisition continues Disney’s strategic focus on creating and monetizing the world’s best branded content, innovative technology and global growth to drive long-term shareholder value. Lucasfilm to join company’s global portfolio of world...

Dallas Comic Con Presents FanDays Day 3 Oct22

Dallas Comic Con Pre...

The closing day of the con wasn’t nothing of what I expected, but in a very good way! Day 3 saw Carl and I arrive around 30 minutes early, and we were told to come in with the General Admission. With no problems to that effect, we went to the parking garage where they had been lining up...

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Dallas Comic Con Presents FanDays: Day 2 Oct20

Dallas Comic Con Pre...

Day 2 of the con was a sheer blast of fun for all involved. When the con opened for guests, my first job was to go and get the autographs that I was missing. Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund and Tara Strong. As always, I felt the butterflies almost immediately as I...

Dallas Comic Con Presents FanDays: Day 1 Oct19

Dallas Comic Con Pre...

The first day has ended, and I’m as buzzed as I can be. I’ve been pumping off of adrenaline all day with anticipation of the stars I would meet and the general excitement of being with the fans. Today saw more people than I actually expected. There were at least a couple thousand...

Dallas Comic Con FanDays Photo Album Oct19

Dallas Comic Con Fan...

We are at DCC FanDays this weekend and are taking photos of all the great people in costume.  We’ll be adding photos after each day of the convention so stop back, to check out the newest batch.  You can see the entire photo album here. %%wppa%% %%slideonlyf=26%%...

7 Days of 007 – Day 7: Daniel Craig Oct10

7 Days of 007 –...

“I’ve been trying to give 110% since the beginning, but after all the fuss, maybe I started giving 115%,” Daniel Craig said regarding the fan backlash he’s received as the world’s most famous superspy, even before Casino...

7 Days of 007 – Day 6: Pierce Brosnan Oct09

7 Days of 007 –...

Once more we tread into territory where someone who was previously selected to don the mantle of 007 but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) for whatever reason finally gets his opportunity.  Following the seemingly endless legal battles, the...

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7 Days of 007 – Day 4: Roger Moore Oct07

7 Days of 007 –...

Once named as “the lethal comedian,” Roger Moore is the longest officially-tenured 007 in the franchise, with Connery tying the record only if the unofficial Never Say Never Again is counted in your lexicon (I count it, but only because it’s...

Star Wars Reads Day

Today is Star Wars Reads Day!  On October 6th, 2012, fans will come together to celebrate reading and Star Wars.  Join in the fun by finding an event near you.  All events will have giveaways and a raffle.  Select events will have authors and/or costumed...

Star Wars Video Upda...

Hot off the heels of Celebration VI, a couple of announcements worth knowing. First, The Clone Wars has a new and highly impressive videos.  We have a clip featuring the long-anticipated Republic Clone Commando.  And better still…we have a new...

Isaac Asimov – Foundation Aug25

Isaac Asimov –...

Foundation from Isaac Asimov is a very interesting story. It would appear that this story is broken up into several short stories, or several not so short stories. At times the separations of stories will catch you off guard. There are huge time gaps between the stories that make it one of...

SciFiFX Podcast #64:... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSBig Dog and Troy talk about the amazing world of voice acting and many of the talents that work, or have worked, in this...

Star Wars Detours: Trailer Aug25

Star Wars Detours: T...

The guys from Robot Chicken have a new Star Wars animated comedy series coming out called Star Wars Detours. So what do you guys think of this?

Listeners’ Cla...

As many of you know, we had a recent poll on the website to determine what everybody’s favorite classic TV series in sci-fi. Some of the results that we received were very interesting. There were several shows that I was sure would be somewhat popular and others I was sure would not be...

Review: Iron Sky Aug13

Review: Iron Sky

The year is 2018.  African-American model James Washington is sent to the moon as part of a publicity stunt for the President of the United States as part of a re-election campaign.  But when his craft lands a little too close to a secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer...

Doctor Who and The B...

Before I start my rant a brief background on my history with Doctor Who: I have been a fan of Doctor Who since I was 6 years old.  This is not unusual in England, where Doctor Who is a part of the culture, much like Star Wars and Star Trek are here.  In the USA most fans, at...

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