Here is the prequel to the Doctor Who Christmas special The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe. Tune into BBC One, BBC America, and Sky on Christmas day to see the Christmas Episode. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...
New Darkest Hour Tra...
posted by Carl
Alien invasion movie The Darkest Hour invades US theaters this Christmas. I wonder where they got the idea of a Christmas Invasion from, these aliens must not have talked to the Sycorax? Well, the trailer looks impressive. I’ve said it before, that is one of the coolest...
Trailer for Joss Whe...
posted by Carl
The Cabin In The Woods a movie co-written by Joss Whedon and directed by Drew Goddard is finally going to be released after a long delay due to financial issues. It looks like your standard teenagers camping in a cabin in the woods horror movie, but then Whedon throws a little twist in the...
Preview: ChillerR...
posted by Carl
Steve Nile’s Remains is based on the IDW Comic based in a post apocalyptic Reno Nevada. An accident occurs on Peace Day that turns most of the world into Zombies. The story follows a handful of survivors and their struggle to keep the Zombie hordes at bay. I...
SciFiFX Podcast #36 ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis Week is Preview-a-Palooza! We have Previews of the SyFy Christmas specials for Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Haven. Then...
Preview/Review: Lost...
posted by Carl
Lost Girl premiers on SyFy on Monday, January 16th. Its a Canadian series that airs on ShowCast, the second season of which is finishing up this month. Lost girl follows a succubus by the name of Bo. She was abandoned by her parents as an infant and raised by humans. She did not know...
John Carter Trailer
posted by Carl
Disney/Pixar’s take on John Carter of Mars premiers in theaters on March 9th 2012, here is the first official trailer. This is Pixar’s first foray into CGI/Live Action movies, and from the trailer it looks really good. I’m going to have to see this...
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Warehouse 13 Christm...
posted by Carl
Warehouse 13: The Greatest Gift Preview Episode Description: Pete inadvertently activates an artifact that creates an alternate reality where he never existed. To restore reality as he knows it, Pete must track down his friends, who have new lives and no memory of him. Preview: Warehouse 13 is...
Haven Christmas Prev...
posted by Carl
Haven: Silent Night Episode Description: The town’s inhabitants start disapearing and for some reason everyone thinks its Christmas Eve in July. Preview: First off, just how bad can a Christmas Episode be when a paddle boarder is sliced in half in the opening sequence? Audrey notices...
Eureka Christmas Pre...
posted by Carl
Eureka: Do You See What I See? Episode Description: As Carter and Allison prepare a Christmas surprise for the kids, a wave of energy sweeps over Eureka, transforming everyone into animated characters. Preview: Every year shows come out with their take on the same old Christmas stories, but...
SciFiFX Newscast #00...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSHere is your weekly infodump of SciFi News. Star Trek News: Star Trek Sequel gets its premier...
Doctor Who: Worlds I...
posted by Carl
Doctor Who: Worlds in Time is a browser-based online games set in the Doctor Who universe. Players will help the Doctor as he tries to stop a menace that threatens the very fabric of the time stream. At launch, the game will include monsters from the classic and new series as well as...
Doctor Who: Midnight...
posted by Carl
The Lass O’Gowrie will be holding several performances of a brand new adaptation of Russell T. Davies’ Doctor Who episode Midnight. That’s right as a part of their inaugural Midwinter Lassfest running from January 2nd – 29th of 2012, they will be performing an...
Game of Thrones Seas...
posted by Carl
Here is a behind the scenes production trailer for Season 2 of Game of Thrones. I know I can’t wait for it to start back up. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...
48th Anniversary Of ...
posted by Carl
On November 23rd 1963 a new Science Fiction series called Doctor Who first aired on BBC1. Since that day Doctor Who has gone on to be one of the biggest and longest running SciFi franchises of all time. Doctor Who holds several Guinness World Records, including the Longest-running Science...
The Darkest Hour TV ...
posted by Carl
New TV Trailer for The Darkest Hour. I still think that’s a really great special effect when someone gets zapped by the aliens. The Darkest Hour opens in theaters Christmas Day. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...
Review #8 – Cl...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSBig Dog reviews the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Darkness on Umbara story arc. Episode Description: “The first step...
Neverland Preview
posted by Carl
SyFy’s Neverland is a prequel mini-series to the original Peter Pan. Neverland airs Sunday December 4th and Monday December 5th at 9PM Eastern/8PM Central. Neverland stars Rhys Ifans as Jimmy Hook, Charlie Rowe as Peter, Anna Friel as Elizabeth Bonny,...
SciFiFX Newscast #00...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSHere is your weekly infodump of SciFi News. TV News:Russell Tovy leaves Being...
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Preview: SyFy’...
posted by Carl
Storm War stars Stacey Keach as Marcus Grange, so how bad could it be, oh wait, it’s Stacey Keach. Actually I like Stacey Keach, he’s one of those actors that is always very good, but mostly seems to get cast in movies that aren’t so good....
DC Nation Teaser
posted by Carl
Next year Cartoon Network is starting up their new DC Nation. DC Nation will be made up of lots of shows inspired by DC Comics characters, and lots of shorts, as well as DC Comics based news. Here is the teaser commercial for what’s coming...
IDW Star Trek Previe...
posted by Carl
The Star Trek 10o page Spectacular goes on sale on November 16th 2011. as always click on the pics for bigger versions. Star Trek 100-Page Spectacular John Byrne, Scott & David Tipton, Stuart Moore, (w) • John Byrne, David Messina, Federica Manfredi, Mike Hawthorne (a)...
Review #6 – Su...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSI review This weeks Supernatural Season 7 Episode 8 Time For A Weddding! It’s a fun episdoe full of some good twists...
DC Universe Online I...
posted by Carl
DC Universe Online is now free to play, but there are ingame purchases. You can donwload it for PC at the DC Universe Online site. If you have a PS3 it can be downloaded from the Play Station Network Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...
SciFiFX Newscast #00...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSHere is your Weekly infodump of SciFi news. Movie news: Ridley Scott announces that he is planning to direct the new Blade Runner movie and...