The Name of the Doctor was written by Steven Moffat, directed by Saul Metzstein and stars Matt Smith as the Doctor, Jenna-Louise Coleman as Clara, Alex Kingston as River Song, Richard E. Grant as Dr. Simeon, Neve McIntosh as Madame Vastra, Catrin Stewart as Jenny, and Dan Starkey as...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #29 – “The Chimes of Midnight†From Big Finish’s site: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was...
Doctor Who: The Ange...
posted by Carl
The book The Angel’s Kiss that featured in The Angels Take Manhattan, was released as an e-book.  Now it is being released by AudioGO as an audio book, read by none other than Alex Kingston herself. From AudioGO: This month AudioGO have scooped an exclusive coup! River Song...
Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed The Angels Take Manhattan. The Angels were back on form, shooting people back in time to feed off the temporal energy released. Written by Steven Moffat and beautifully directed by Nick Hurran. It again had that big...
The Dark Doctor
posted by Carl
I know a lot of Doctor Who fans seem to see the Doctor as this mythical character that never uses a gun, doesn’t kill, isn’t violent, and always tries to save everyone. Most of the time that is true, but there are times the Doctor can become a very...
Doctor Who Series 7 ...
posted by Carl
After a long wait here it is the Doctor Who Series 7 trailer. It looks like this covers most of the first half of the season up to the final episode of the Ponds. I love Doctor Who, and don’t get me wrong this looks like a lot of action, adventure, and humor. I thought...
The State of Doctor ...
posted by Carl
It has been said that the companions in Doctor Who since its return in 2005 have been better written, more well-rounded characters. That the female companions especially are more independent, stronger female roles, and they aren’t there just to say...
Doctor Who Series Si...
posted by Carl
A new 1 minute trailer for Doctor Who Series Six has been posted online. Narrated by River Song. Doctor Who Series Six Trailer The big questions is: Why are Amy and Rory in the 10th Doctor’s...
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