J.J. Abrams and Eric...

NBC has just greenlit a new series by J.J. Abrams (Alias, Lost, Fringe, Alcatraz), about the end of the world as we know it.  Given we are heading toward December 21, 2012 rather quickly it seems to be a popular subject matter for TV and movies.  And this time...

Review #16 – G...

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/review_16_grimm.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is a review of this weeks May 4 episode of Grimm, Happily Ever Aftermath. Another pretty good show.

SciFiFX Podcast #49 ...

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_podcast_49_avengers_freecomicbookday.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is a special edition episode for The Avengers Movie reviews from Comic Book Craze in Garland Texas on May 5th...

Doctor Who Christmas...

Here is the prequel to the Doctor Who Christmas special The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe. Tune into BBC One, BBC America, and Sky on Christmas day to see the Christmas Episode. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

Let The Wookie Sing!

Ok I gotta say, I never expected to hear this happen. Glee has announced that their Christmas Special this year will be a tribute to the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special.  You read that right, the much maligned 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special that George Lucas has spent the last 3 decades...

Doctor Who: Midnight...

The Lass O’Gowrie will be holding several performances of a brand new adaptation of Russell T. Davies’ Doctor Who episode Midnight.  That’s right as a part of their inaugural Midwinter Lassfest running from January 2nd – 29th of 2012, they will be performing an...

Review #9 – Sa...

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/review_9_sanctuary_icebreaker.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis review is for November 18th 2011 episode of Sanctuary called Icebreaker with Amanda Tapping. You will find this simple story...

48th Anniversary Of ...

On November 23rd 1963 a new Science Fiction series called Doctor Who first aired on BBC1. Since that day Doctor Who has gone on to be one of the biggest and longest running SciFi franchises of all time. Doctor Who holds several Guinness World Records, including the Longest-running Science...

SciFiFX NewsCast #00...

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_newscast_001.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the first episode of our new weekly NewsCast.  Every week we will have a short podcast covering the SciFi news from the...

Star Wars: The Phant...

The Star War Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D trialer in glorious 2D! Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/scififx

Farewell, My Sarah J...

Today we saw the last episode of the wonderful Sarah Jane Adventures.  Hopefully the BBC will see fit to continue the adventures of Sarah Jane Smith in novels or a comic book series.  Sadly Elisabeth Sladen has left us, but Sarah Jane will live on forever.  It was with...

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Terra Nova borrows from many SciFi Franchises Oct09

Terra Nova borrows f...

Yes Terra Nova borrows from many SciFi franchises, but that can be a good thing if done properly. Premise:  In the future mankind has ecologically ruined the earth to the point where you have to wear a re-breather just to go outside.  Fresh or...

Doctor Who Series 6 ...

Warner Home Video has announced release information for the Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series box set.  The box set will be released on both DVD and Blu-Ray on November 22nd, the day before Doctor Who’s 48th Anniversary. The box set will include all 13 epsisodes from series 6...

Previously On Doctor...

In case you are behind on Doctor Who this short video covers the events of the previous 777 episodes.  I remember all this stuff, man I feel old.  Check out the newest episode of Doctor Who tonight on BBC America at 9/8c. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

Doctor Who Full 7th ...

Originally Reported on The Daily Beast. Jace Lacob interviewed Steven Moffat about the state of the Doctor Who Franchise and rumors about Season 7, for the full article click here. The most important thing I found in the interview was when Steven Moffat was asked about Season 7 of Doctor Who...

3 New Doctor Who Boo...

Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia By Garry Russell October 13, 2011 I know what you’re thinking, “We already bought this didn’t we?”. Well yes and no, Garry Russell did release a Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia back in 2007 which covers the first three seasons since Doctor Who...

Stargate Atlantis: The Complete Series on Blu-ray Jul26

Stargate Atlantis: T...

Today saw the release of Stargate Atlantis: The Complete Series on Blu-ray.  This mammoth 20 disc set includes all 5 seasons of Stargate Atlantis in  glorious 1080p HD.  Also included are audio commentaries from the cast and crew on nearly every episode, plus all the...

Doctor Who Returns a...

BBC America have confirmed that Doctor Who will return on Saturday August 27th at 9/8c, with the episode Let’s Kill Hitler. The BBC have yet to confirm an airdate, but I imagine it will also be on August 27th. The BBC have released a fall 2011 trailer. They have also released a trailer...

Smallville: A Retrospective May13

Smallville: A Retros...

Today is Friday the 13th.  For many, this is a day of unspeakable superstition and bad luck.  I’ve learned over the years to have some faith in the balance of the universe.  Where the many have a bad day, I have one “super”...

Fox Renews Fringe for Fourth Season Mar25

Fox Renews Fringe fo...

It seems that not even being relegated to Fox’s Friday Night Death Slot to kill off Fringe. Fox announced today that they would be comissioning a full 22 episode fourth season of Fringe.

Filefly Coming to Basic Cable! Feb20

Filefly Coming to Ba...

(EW.com) — Browncoats rejoice: “Firefly” is returning to basic cable — and Nathan Fillion has something to say about it. The Science Channel has acquired the rights to the cult-hit and will air the series in its short-lived entirety, plus some new extras. Science...

SciFiFX Podcast #5

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_podcast_5.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the fifth episode of the SciFiFx Podcast. We hope that you enjoy it and we hope that you will contact us via email at...

SciFiFX Podcast #4

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_podcast_4.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the first meetup episode of the SciFiFx Podcast, and the forth overall! This is from our monthly meetup. We hope that you enjoy it and...

SciFiFX Podcast #3

http://media.blubrry.com/scififx/p/www.scififx.com/podcast/scififx_podcast_3.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the third episode of the SciFiFx Podcast! We hope that you enjoy it and we hope that you will contact us via email...

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New Clone Wars Tonight Jan07

New Clone Wars Tonig...

After a brief hiatus and a lackluster (re: a little too political) beginning to season 3, Star Wars: The Clone Wars airs tonight on Cartoon Network. The 2nd half of the season showcases new animation models for the principle characters, reflecting their journey towards Episode III: Revenge of...

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