This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #32 – “The Time of the Daleks†From Big Finish’s site: The Doctor has always admired the work of William Shakespeare. So he is a little surprised that...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
I’ve said it many times, and I’ll never stop reminding people: my first memory of life is seeing Star Wars opening day on the big screen.  That little movie informed me of a great many things that I would later go on to discover, which includes several points along the...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #30 – “Seasons of Fear†From Big Finish’s site: On New Year’s Eve, 1930, the Doctor lets Charley keep her appointment at the Raffles Hotel in...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #28 – “Invaders From Mars†From Big Finish’s site: Hallowe’en 1938. A year after a mysterious meteorite lit up the skies of New York state,...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This week we’re taking a break from the normal run of Big Finish Doctor Who audios.  Instead, this entry takes a look at a 4-part mini-series that showed up interlaced with the regular monthly series at about this point in the run.  It recycles the Dalek Empire title, and...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #22 – “Bloodtide†From Big Finish’s site: The prehistoric Earth is dying. Thunderclouds roll across the skies, cloaking the land in darkness. The seas...
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #17 – “Sword of Orion†From Big Finish’s site: One of our very best-selling releases. Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor along with his brand new...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #15 – “The Mutant Phase†(Dalek Empire Part Three) From Big Finish’s site: In the 22nd century, the Daleks have occupied planet Earth. By the 43rd...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #11 – “The Apocalypse Element†(Dalek Empire Part Two) From Big Finish’s site: When the planet Archetryx is threatened by a Dalek assault squad, the...
Dallas Comic Con Pre...
posted by Big Dog
The closing day of the con wasn’t nothing of what I expected, but in a very good way! Day 3 saw Carl and I arrive around 30 minutes early, and we were told to come in with the General Admission. With no problems to that effect, we went to the parking garage where they had been lining up...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #7 – “The Genocide Machine†(Dalek Empire Part One) From Big Finish’s site: The library on Kar-Charrat is one of the wonders of the Universe. It is...
Dallas Comic Con Pre...
posted by Big Dog
The first day has ended, and I’m as buzzed as I can be. I’ve been pumping off of adrenaline all day with anticipation of the stars I would meet and the general excitement of being with the fans. Today saw more people than I actually expected. There were at least a couple thousand...
The Dark Doctor
posted by Carl
I know a lot of Doctor Who fans seem to see the Doctor as this mythical character that never uses a gun, doesn’t kill, isn’t violent, and always tries to save everyone. Most of the time that is true, but there are times the Doctor can become a very...
Newsletter: Septembe...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well it’s been just over a month since my last newsletter, and there’s been a lot going on in my sci-fi world every sense. I have had a very awesome last two weeks or even a month of sci-fi. It all began with the current series going on of Warehouse 13 and Alphas. It’s been...
Doctor Who Cadet Swe...
posted by Carl
In 1964, Cadet Sweets released a series of fifty promo cards with their sweet (candy) cigarettes.  These cards told two stories about Doctor Who and the Daleks. These stories feature an earthling called Doctor Who, much like the 1965 and 1966 Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies....
The Other Asylum of ...
posted by Carl
Apparently there was another prequel to Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks.  It was only available to season subscribers on iTunes and Amazon in America.  It has now been released into the wilds of the YouTubes and Interwebs.  I can only assume that it will be included on...
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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Editorial: Doctors, ...
posted by Big Dog
Much like the rest of my co-hosts, last night I watched the premiere of Doctor Who. I guess that should come as no surprise to anybody, especially since I’ve been a fan of the Doctor since I was around 12 years old. That old blue box and the Doctor have seen so many different aliens and...
Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
Well, the first episode of series 7/33 of Doctor Who has aired. While it was an enjoyable watch as always, I did have a few problems with it. *****SPOILERS***** I still don’t buy that the Daleks wouldn’t just destroy any damaged or insane Daleks....
Doctor Who Series 7,...
posted by Carl
At long last the BBC has announced that Series 7/33 of Doctor Who will premiere on September 1st! The season opener “Asylum of the Daleks,” starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillen as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams will air on BBC 1 on September 1st...
Blake’s 7 Retu...
posted by Carl
Yep, the owners of the Blake’s 7 series have been trying to get a reboot on the screen for a long time.  The project has been on and off for several years.  But it appears that has all changed now. SyFy has signed on to develop the cult UK SciFi series with Georgeville...
SciFiFX Podcast #61 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis podcast is all about classic sci-fi monsters. We go back through several of them, breaking down each monster, talking...
Big Finish Doctor Wh...
posted by Carl
The BBC, or more precisely AugioGO have extended Big Finish’s license to produce Doctor Who audio adventures until December 2015. Jason Haigh-Ellery (Executive Producer): I’m so excited that we can continue our voyages with the Doctor for at least another three years, and so...
Doctor Who Series 7 ...
posted by Carl
After a long wait here it is the Doctor Who Series 7 trailer. It looks like this covers most of the first half of the season up to the final episode of the Ponds. I love Doctor Who, and don’t get me wrong this looks like a lot of action, adventure, and humor. I thought...
Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
It’s no secret that I am a long time fan of Big Finish’s Doctor Who full cast audio plays. But the 161st installment of their monthly Doctor Who Range is a real treat. Before we get into that, a little background on Big Finish. They are...
Doctor Who: The Comi...
posted by Carl
From Telos Publishing and writer Paul Scoones comes The Comic Strip Companion: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who in Comics: 1964  1979. Yeah I know its a Very long book title, but it covers the first 15 years of the Doctor Who comic strip. From...