Stargate Atlantis: The Complete Series on Blu-ray Jul26

Stargate Atlantis: T...

Today saw the release of Stargate Atlantis: The Complete Series on Blu-ray.  This mammoth 20 disc set includes all 5 seasons of Stargate Atlantis in  glorious 1080p HD.  Also included are audio commentaries from the cast and crew on nearly every episode, plus all the...

Plastic Galaxy Tease...

X-Ray films is currently filming a documentary on the history of Star Wars Toys.  They have released the first teaser trailer: For more info on the movie check out their site at...

Filefly Coming to Basic Cable! Feb20

Filefly Coming to Ba...

( — Browncoats rejoice: “Firefly” is returning to basic cable — and Nathan Fillion has something to say about it. The Science Channel has acquired the rights to the cult-hit and will air the series in its short-lived entirety, plus some new extras. Science...

SciFiFX Podcast #6 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the sixth episode of the SciFiFx Podcast. We hope that you enjoy it and we hope that you will contact us via email at...

SciFiFX Podcast #5 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the fifth episode of the SciFiFx Podcast. We hope that you enjoy it and we hope that you will contact us via email at...

SciFiFX Podcast #4 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the first meetup episode of the SciFiFx Podcast, and the forth overall! This is from our monthly meetup. We hope that you enjoy it and...

SciFiFX Podcast #3 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the third episode of the SciFiFx Podcast! We hope that you enjoy it and we hope that you will contact us via email...

Weekly SciJunkie New...

Well this week we launched our new podcast and let me know tell you I was hoping this first few weeks just to get the tech aspects out of the way so I could focus on having a little fun while casting. I had little tech issues and had more fun than I thought I ever would. I can not wait to have...

Doctor Who Adventure...

The fourth epsiode of the Doctor Who Adventures game has arrived at for everywhere outside of the UK.  The fourth Adventure Game is titled Doctor Who: Shadows of the Vashta Nerada.  This time the Doctor and Amy Pond are up against the...

Weekly Sci-Fi Junkie...

This week I checked out sites that keep some of the coolest stuff that I have never noticed or seen prior to this writing of the article. I often find myself looking for new things in the Sci-Fi world but never seem to know where to look, so this week I checkout good old Google for a few...

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SciFiFX News and Inf...

Welcome to the new SciFiFX news and information website. Yes, that is right SciFiFx that you have trusted to bring you the best SciFi events and movies for some time now, is updating their website to allow us to keep you up to date with the most important things in SciFi. You can still find us...

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