Eureka Christmas Pre...

Eureka: Do You See What I See? Episode Description: As Carter and Allison prepare a Christmas surprise for the kids, a wave of energy sweeps over Eureka, transforming everyone into animated characters. Preview: Every year shows come out with their take on the same old Christmas stories, but...

DC Nation Teaser Nov15

DC Nation Teaser

Next year Cartoon Network is starting up their new DC Nation.  DC Nation will be made up of lots of shows inspired by DC Comics characters, and lots of shorts, as well as DC Comics based news.  Here is the teaser commercial for what’s coming...

Doctor Who In Comics...

From The Doctor Who Site: Doctor Who In Comics Exhibition 27th July – 30th October Cartoon Museum 35 Little Russell Street London WC1A 2HH Doctor Who is the world’s longest‐running comic character based on a TV programme. He is a uniquely British...

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Lego Star Wars TV Sp...

Set to premier this Friday on Cartoon Network at 7PM Eastern Time. Check out the trailer. How can you go wrong with Lego and Star Wars? httpv://