Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSAt long last, we were able to make our schedules work together, and we plowed through the rest of Series 7 of Doctor...
Podcast #132 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSAs a lead up to Doctor Who returning to our screens on August 23rd, we are doing a review of series 7 of Doctor Who....
Podcast #123 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSAs you may have guessed by the title this week we discussed Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary Special, The Day Of The Doctor,...
Doctor Who Turns 50!
posted by Carl
As our favorite Time Lord turns 50 this year, I started thinking back as to what Doctor Who means to me, or has meant to me over the years. Doctor Who means everything to me; it is Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Drama, Historical, Comedy, and anything else you can think of. One story can show you what life was like with the Aztecs, the Romans, or during the French Revolution. Then the next story you can be thrown into the far future facing an evil alien race like the Daleks. The story after that might have you entrenched in a moral or ethical dilemma, or laughing out loud at your TV screen. You never know what might be just...
Podcast #122 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss Doctor Who: The Web of Fear, staring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor, Nicholas Courtney as Colonel...
Podcast #120 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS This week we analyze the new Doctor Who 50th Anniversary trailer. Â We also discuss the new The Tomorrow People...
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Doctor Who 50th Specials Announced!
posted by Carl
The BBC have released the promotional poster for the 50th anniversary special titled The Day of the Doctor.  They also announced a wide array of specials to celebrate everyone’s favorite Time Lord. The full BBC press release can be found here. The countdown starts here as the BBC reveals its plans to take over TV and radio to mark the Doctor’s 50th anniversary. With special programmes planned across the BBC, the celebrations will peak on 23 November with the anniversary episode, revealed as The Day Of The Doctor. Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant and Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt, the special for BBC...
Fan Made Doctor Who ...
posted by Carl
This is an awesome fan made tribute video for Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook: