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Are the podcast monthly or weekly or just whenever??
Idea for a topic:
You should talk about the Starwars movies being remade in 3D so Lucas can finish out the last 3 starwars movies.
The Codeman
Weekly Podcast. I will add it to our long list, and if we don’t get it, then we have the monthly meetup that we will doing some extra stuff with the full group at 11pm ..
I can actually chime in about that now, though I’d be happy to discuss it in more detail in a podcast later…
The official word is there are no plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9. The changed ending to Return of the Jedi pretty much killed that entire storyline, partly due to studio control, partly due to a crumbling marriage. It depends on which source / rumor you want to listen to.
The reason for the 3-D conversion is two-fold. First, Lucasfilm is looking to improve existing 3-D conversion techniques. Lucas has always explored the cutting edge of tech, and nothing has changed on that front. As such, most of his money goes towards tech R&D, education, or more Star Wars. Second, it provides an opportunity for the younger generation now growing up on Clone Wars to experience the film saga on the big screen. As a nice side effect, it brings the fan community together.
Was there poscast from the Feb. meetup?
Feb. meetup is this weekend. We postponed a week so as not to collide with ConDFW. Are you going to be there?
No, I will be in FortWorth for the 13.1 miles I am walking in the Cowtown (insert joke here) half-marathon on Sunday morning.
You should have done the taping at ConDFW. That would have really got you guys alot of exposure I would think.
Oooo yea and by the way I wathced Transformers again and yes you can tell they are cars and planes. It’s more suttle but it’s there. I can post some pics in the forum if you like. And Megatron was still the default form becuase he never scanned anything to replacate like all the others that’s why you can’t tell what vechile he is.
And that’s my 2 cents!
I wasn’t in town, and Carl was running a dealer’s booth. Beyond that, all I can say is that we kept the door open for the opportunity, and nobody at the Con followed up on our inquiries. *shrug*
In the end, the look of the Transformers is a secondary argument for me. A big one, yes, but secondary. The primary issue: the mythos is simply wrong with respect to the original. Much like with Batman, the creative team threw out what they wanted so they could tell their “own version” of the story rather than telling the story within the confines of what made it work in the first place. The All-Spark as a colossal accident that gave the Transformers life? What happened to the idea of them being created on purpose, as slaves of the Quinetessons, then rising up against their masters? For that matter, what happened to Prime being a respectable 9 million year old battle bot who doesn’t have to say cheesy lines like “My bad…”? This leg of the franchise is an insult to what came before. There’s so many missed opportunities to turn this into something truly great. And that’s my 2 cents. But as the saying goes, if that’s your thing, then you’re the target audience.
Don’t you thinks that your newest podcast should be on the top the the PODCAST page. Come on the last 2 podcast are not even on the PODCAST page!! Hello hello, McFly, anyone in there????
Let me do this again!!!
Don’t you think that your newest podcast should be on the top of the PODCAST page. Come on the last 2 podcast are not even on the PODCAST page!! Hello hello, McFly, anyone in there????
Ops, forget to update this screen.. They are there now..
Will try and remember going forward.
I can’t download the #17 podcast! Errore 404! Is that part of the outage?
We had some serious issues with hosting service.. All resolved.. And ready to go!