I was pretty rough on last week’s episode “Asylum of the Daleks,” but when you have an episode like that, especially when you tout the return of every Dalek model ever seen on screen, then it should be continuity heavy and laden with tons of fanwank. It...
Happy 46th, Star Tre...
posted by VaderFan
On this date 46 years ago, Star Trek premiered to American audiences, the first primetime science fiction series for adult audiences filmed in color.  Over the years, the story of how the series was created has become part of what actor Robert Wuhl once termed “The...
S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Seri...
posted by Carl
A few more details have surfaced about Joss Whedon’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series.  Whedon has signed a three year deal with Marvel Studios, and part of the deal will see him lead the development of Marvel’s first self produced live-action television series. The title has been...
2012 Hugo Award Winn...
posted by Carl
Last night the 2012 Hugo Award Winners were announced. Congratulations go out to all the winners and nominees from the staff at SciFiFX. The Hugo Awards are awarded every year at the the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). The The Hugo Finalists and winners are select by members of...
Neil Gaiman Writing ...
posted by Carl
Last month I posted a rumor that Neil Gaiman was writing another episode of Doctor Who.  I was not able to track down anything other than the basic rumor for weeks, and then Gaiman did an interview where he said he would love to write another episode of Doctor Who, but was far too busy...
Editorial: Doctors, ...
posted by Big Dog
Much like the rest of my co-hosts, last night I watched the premiere of Doctor Who. I guess that should come as no surprise to anybody, especially since I’ve been a fan of the Doctor since I was around 12 years old. That old blue box and the Doctor have seen so many different aliens and...
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Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
Well, the first episode of series 7/33 of Doctor Who has aired. While it was an enjoyable watch as always, I did have a few problems with it. *****SPOILERS***** I still don’t buy that the Daleks wouldn’t just destroy any damaged or insane Daleks....
ABC Greenlights Joss...
posted by SciFiJunkie
There has been a dozen reports that ABC has green lighted Josh Wheaton’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series for a pilot. Now I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of hard-core fans out there for whom this is going to be extremely good news. It will be very interesting to see if Joss...
Review: Grimm ̵...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well Grimm seems to have really taken off this season. I am kind of happily surprised because it seemed to be lagging a little bit towards the end of season one.  With this kind of start to season two we have seen “Bad Teeth,†“The...
Star Wars Video Upda...
posted by VaderFan
Hot off the heels of Celebration VI, a couple of announcements worth knowing. First, The Clone Wars has a new and highly impressive videos.  We have a clip featuring the long-anticipated Republic Clone Commando.  And better still…we have a new...
Star Wars Detours: T...
posted by Carl
The guys from Robot Chicken have a new Star Wars animated comedy series coming out called Star Wars Detours. So what do you guys think of this?
Doctor Who Series 7,...
posted by Carl
At long last the BBC has announced that Series 7/33 of Doctor Who will premiere on September 1st! The season opener “Asylum of the Daleks,” starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillen as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams will air on BBC 1 on September 1st...
Blake’s 7 Retu...
posted by Carl
Yep, the owners of the Blake’s 7 series have been trying to get a reboot on the screen for a long time.  The project has been on and off for several years.  But it appears that has all changed now. SyFy has signed on to develop the cult UK SciFi series with Georgeville...
So Long, Eureka. I W...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well, that’s it. Eureka is over.  I, for one, am sad to see this fun and entertaining show go. But as it has been the history with the SyFy Channel,  the price of the shows start to go up after a few years and gets out priced at five years, and they cancel it. Said truth,...
GRIMM Season 2
posted by Carl
With GRIMM returning to our screens tonight enjoy these preview and behind the scenes clips provided to us by NBC. Q&A Session with GRIMM Executive Producers Jim Kouf & David Greenwalt. GRIMM: Detective Nick Burkhardt played by David Giuntoli GRIMM: Monroe played by Silas Weir...
Listeners’ Cla...
posted by SciFiJunkie
As many of you know, we had a recent poll on the website to determine what everybody’s favorite classic TV series in sci-fi. Some of the results that we received were very interesting. There were several shows that I was sure would be somewhat popular and others I was sure would not be...
An Adventure in Time...
posted by Carl
Doctor Who and Sherlock writer Mark Gatiss has been commissioned by BBC Two to write a drama to tell the story of the genesis of Doctor Who.  The drama titled An Adventure in Time and Space will be 90 minutes long and is set to air in 2013 as part of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary...
Has TV changed forev...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Has TV changed forever? It seems to me the back in the 90s there was a lot more TV series that were deeply involved in the sci-fi realm than there are today. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re still quite a bit on TV, in some of my previous articles say, and talk about all the...
Review: True Blood &...
posted by SciFiJunkie
True Blood for this week starts off with the vampires destroying the first of five plants that produce synthetic blood called true blood. This factory was located in Houston and produced approximately 25% of the world’s synthetic blood for vampires. Their plan is to destroy the...
Why Aren’t You...
posted by Carl
Fallings Skies is one of those shows that if you aren’t watching on a regular basis you really should be. It’s a great SciFi survivor story. You have modern day earth invaded by an Alien race that wipes out most of humanity. That all...
Rumor: Neil Gaiman W...
posted by Carl
I don’t usually post rumors, but if this one is true, it could be one of the greatest things ever.  OK, the rumor goes that author Neil Gaiman, who gave us last year’s award winning The Doctor’s Wife, is writing an episode for Series 7 of Doctor Who.  Wait it...
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posted by SciFiFX
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Editorial: What̵...
posted by VaderFan
I once heard it said that the best way to fully appreciate the things you enjoy most is to learn what influenced those things. Then when you discover those influences, go back and discover what inspired those influences, and so forth. It might have been Jon Bon Jovi that said...
Doctor Who Series 7 ...
posted by Carl
After a long wait here it is the Doctor Who Series 7 trailer. It looks like this covers most of the first half of the season up to the final episode of the Ponds. I love Doctor Who, and don’t get me wrong this looks like a lot of action, adventure, and humor. I thought...
Review: True Blood &...
posted by SciFiJunkie
If you need to get caught up from last week, or if you missed anything, you can always go back and read my review from last week. But since you’re here, I’m going to go ahead and talk a little bit about it anyway. If you remember correctly, the vampire leaders...
The State of Doctor ...
posted by Carl
It has been said that the companions in Doctor Who since its return in 2005 have been better written, more well-rounded characters. That the female companions especially are more independent, stronger female roles, and they aren’t there just to say...