Sci-Fi Expo Day 2

After two days at a con, I’m exhausted! I had every intention of getting this out as soon as I got home from Sci-Fi Expo, but I found myself completely wiped out after all the excitement that I was too out of it to put together coherent thoughts! Day 2 had me heading directly to the...

Arrow – “Vendetta” Dec06

Arrow – â€...

Normally when I start watching shows like Arrow they start off with a really big bang, and then slowly over half a dozen of episodes, things deteriorate to the point where I have a very hard time watching. This seems to take till around the end of the first season or even before that in most...

Review: Fringe Nov21

Review: Fringe

It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been four episodes of Fringe since the last time I did a review. So in this review or recap I’m going to take care of all four of these episodes, including “The Bullet That Saved the World“, “An Origin Story“,...

Review: Mockingbird Lane Oct27

Review: Mockingbird ...

Mockingbird Lane was on last night.  When I first heard about this darker more serious take on the Munsters I was sure that it would be terrible and as more and more information and photos came out about it I wrote it off completely.  Then I was happy when I heard that it had...

Reviews: Arrow – “Pilot” and ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS Well the first two weeks of Arrow have aired, and I put off a little bit doing my initial review, allowing a second episode to air so as to have a more complete idea of what was going on. I believe they got off to a pretty good start with the pilot episode, and I think the second episode was a little bit weaker, but also a lot of character building was done that was skipped during the first episode in order to make sure that it was moving fast enough to make it worth watching. Overall I think the...

Review: Grimm – “The Bottle Imp” Oct19

Review: Grimm –...

I have to admit it is been a long time since I’ve done a review on Grimm, and here we are already on season two episode seven. I have not stopped watching the show. There just hasn’t been a lot on it that is different from week to week that I felt it was necessary to report on. The...

Review: Revolution – “The Plague Dogs” Oct17

Review: Revolution &...

Revolution is one of the shows that I really really would like to like. There are many things to go on in the show that make it very difficult for me like it at times, but at the same time the premise of the show and the idea behind the show are some things that I really enjoy. This makes me...

Review: Fringe – “The Recordist” Oct17

Review: Fringe ̵...

Fringe has that tendency to amaze me week after week. Everyone knows that I’ve always sung the praises of this TV show, and after the first two weeks of the season I held hope for the remainder of the season, but those weeks were so good that I had some doubts. Well this week put all my...

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Game of Thrones Season 3 Interview Videos Oct10

Game of Thrones Seas...

Games of Thrones is filming for Season 3 in the Croatian town of Dubrovnik.  Here are videos of the show’s producers and creators David Benioff and DB Weiss on set, courtesy of...

Photos: Revolution 2012 – Season 1 Reviews Oct08

Photos: Revolution 2...

Well with Revolution having its 3rd episode aired this last week, and its 4th coming out today. I figured it’s about time that we post all the pictures we have on file for it. Below you’ll find our photo album just full of Revolution photos from every episode so far...

Fringe – Transilience Thought Unifier Model 11 – In Absentia Oct08

Fringe – Trans...

In this review, I will be covering the last two episodes of Fringe. The first episode is “Transilience Thought Unifier Model -11.” This is the first episode of the fifth and final season of Fringe. Our beloved Fringe is going to end after the season....

Elementary Evaluation Oct07

Elementary Evaluatio...

I was updating my iPhone to iOS6 last night and had a couple of hours to kill, so I figured I’d checkout the first 2 episodes of Elementary, which had been sitting in my TiVo since it aired.  Over all Elementary is a good enough Police Procedural with a good bit of...

Revolution Review: “No Quarter” and Promo Video Oct04

Revolution Review: &...

Well, after last week’s review there was very little left for me to say about Revolution as my disappointment was high, and my dissatisfaction with several items in the show was even greater. I did not hold out much hope for this week’s new episode, as I figured it would...

SyFy Picks Up Primeval: New World Oct03

SyFy Picks Up Primev...

SyFy Channel picks up the Canadian produced Primeval spin off series Primeval: New World. From SyFy Press Release: SYFY ACQUIRES PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD FROM ENTERTAINMENT ONE NEW YORK – October 3, 2012 – Syfy has acquired Primeval: New World, the next generation...

Photos: Supernatural Season 8 First Look Oct01

Photos: Supernatural...

We’re only a few days away from Season 8 of the Supernatural start, and I found a few photos for our first look of what Season 8 will look like. Also see the Season 8 Trailer — CLICK...

Primeval New World Trailer Sep28

Primeval New World T...

Well, here it is, the first trailer for the long awaited Primeval New World.  This version of Primeval is produced in Canada, and from the trailer it appears the time portals were actually created as part of an experiment in Eureka.  I’m probably reading more into that...

Review: Revolution – “Chained Heat” Sep28

Review: Revolution Ã...

Revolution aired its second episode of the series. Now I would like to think that things are going to settle down a little bit, and Charlie is going to quit being a little whiny brat. But I have to admit, this week I was very disappointed in the episode of Revolution. There are simply too many...

Review: Revolution Sep18

Review: Revolution

The first episode of Revolution was on tonight. The first episode left me wanting to see more, and the cast seems to have some interesting conflicts with only one show under its belt. The basic concept of the show is that all power, electricity, and technology with like devices simply stops...

Revolution Premiers Sept. 17th Sep16

Revolution Premiers ...

NBCs new post apocalyptic series Revolution premiers Monday September 17th at 10/9PM Central. From NBC: What would you do without it all? In this epic adventure from J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions and “Supernatural’s” Eric Kripke, a family struggles...

Not Inspector Spacet...

This may look like the Community parody of Doctor Who called Inspector Spacetime, and the Inspector is played by Travis Richey just like in Inspector Spacetime.  This is a web series titled Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time, or...

Newsletter: Septembe...

Well it’s been just over a month since my last newsletter, and there’s been a lot going on in my sci-fi world every sense. I have had a very awesome last two weeks or even a month of sci-fi. It all began with the current series going on of Warehouse 13 and Alphas. It’s been...

Photo Album: Haven 2012 Sep11

Photo Album: Haven 2...

Well this seems to be the week for pictures, so I have attached another photo album with pictures from Haven 2012 . I hope you enjoy them and we’ll see you next time. Haven Photo...

Photo Album: Grimm Sep11

Photo Album: Grimm

We have updated the site with many new pictures from Grimm. We have updates from “Quill”, “Bad Moon Rising” and “The Kiss”. There is some good stuff in here and we hope that you enjoy it! Click on any of the...

SyFy Picks Up BBC Series Sinbad Sep09

SyFy Picks Up BBC Se...

I haven’t heard anything about this series until I got the press release.  But after watching the trailer I have to say it looks like it has definite potential. SyFy Press Release: SYFY ACQUIRES INTERNATIONAL HIT ADVENTURE FANTASY SERIES SINBAD FROM BBC WORLDWIDE...

Supernatural Season 8 Trailer Sep09

Supernatural Season ...

Supernatural season 8 will premiere on Wednesday October 3rd at 9/8C. ***** UPDATE ***** Supernatural photo album From the CW Press Release: Twenty-seven years ago, Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural...

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