007 Review: Skyfall Nov09

007 Review: Skyfall

Old dogs, new tricks.  That’s the message we’re told to receive when viewing Skyfall, the latest in the line of the ever-popular 007 franchise.  But before we can say whether or not the dog truly learned or simply scratched its fleas, I’ll first offer up the...

Review: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers Oct26

Review: Halloween 4:...

Now that the con is over, let’s get back to the burning chart reviews that is the Halloween franchise. WARNING: This is going to be a lengthy read, even for these articles! Today’s outing takes us into Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers. This saw the departure of the idea to...

Iron Man 3 – Official Trailer Marvel HD Oct23

Iron Man 3 – O...

Well it’s finally here the Iron Man 3 movie trailer. We have all been waiting a long time to see this one, so as soon as I was able to get it I got it posted.

Review: Halloween III: The Season of the Witch Oct18

Review: Halloween II...

Today’s review is about Halloween III: The Season of the Witch. Yes, I’m actually doing this… This movie is a complete departure from the Michael Myers story. When Carpenter agreed to add input to this film, it was under the expression that he would be able to continue the...

Review: Halloween II (1981) Oct14

Review: Halloween II...

As promised, I have returned with the next movie in the Halloween series! This one simply called Halloween II. It came as something of a surprise that Halloween did as well as it managed. On the $300,000 budget, it more than made back its cost. Moustapha Akkad (the producer throughout most of...

No Escape Was on TV Last Night – 100 Days of Sci-Fi Oct10

No Escape Was on TV ...

No Escape was one of those little movies that you see on TV and never take time to watch. Last night I decided that it was time to watch it, and so I did.  Capt. JT Robbins is sent to a prison for the assassination of his general officer, the kind of prison you only get out of when...

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7 Days of 007 – Day 7: Daniel Craig Oct10

7 Days of 007 –...

“I’ve been trying to give 110% since the beginning, but after all the fuss, maybe I started giving 115%,” Daniel Craig said regarding the fan backlash he’s received as the world’s most famous superspy, even before Casino...

Cloud Atlas Extended Trailer Oct09

Cloud Atlas Extended...

Here is a short commentary by the Cloud Atlas Directors: Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, and Lana Wachowski. And here is the extended trailer for Cloud Atlas. Cloud Atlas based on the novel by David Mitchell is an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in...

Review: Waterworld – 100 Days of Sci-Fi Oct09

Review: Waterworld &...

I just finished watching Waterworld from 1995 and couldn’t help being fascinated by the actual storyline of the Earth’s polar ice caps melting and everything being underwater. Kevin Costner, who plays a mutated mariner, fights to stay alive while battling starvation and outlaws,...

Review: Summer Wars Oct09

Review: Summer Wars

It’s not very common that I watch an Anime movie, but last night my son suggested that I watch Summer Wars with him. Now I have watched a little Anime in my life, usually small series like Cowboy Bebop, Inyasha, Trigun, Ghost in the Shell (both the movie and TV series), and even...

7 Days of 007 – Day 6: Pierce Brosnan Oct09

7 Days of 007 –...

Once more we tread into territory where someone who was previously selected to don the mantle of 007 but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) for whatever reason finally gets his opportunity.  Following the seemingly endless legal battles, the...

Review: Halloween (1...

It’s that time of year again, folks! That means getting ready for trick-or-treaters, wearing costumes of all sorts of frightening and cool natures, pulling pranks of your own (because you never outgrew it), and watching horror/slasher films! Everyone’s entitled to one good scare,...

7 Days of 007 – Day 5: Timothy Dalton Oct08

7 Days of 007 –...

As we previously noted, Timothy Dalton was the man originally slated to replace Sean Connery, but he turned it down, citing at the time that he was too young, and Connery was too good to follow.  As when Connery stepped down, the world and the studio played the guessing game of who...

7 Days of 007 – Day 4: Roger Moore Oct07

7 Days of 007 –...

Once named as “the lethal comedian,” Roger Moore is the longest officially-tenured 007 in the franchise, with Connery tying the record only if the unofficial Never Say Never Again is counted in your lexicon (I count it, but only because it’s...

7 Days of 007 – Day 3: George Lazenby and the Return of Connery Oct06

7 Days of 007 –...

You might have noticed that yesterday’s article on Sean Connery was a little short.  This is because most people agree that Connery’s era was the gold standard and the one that everyone will compare to every later version of 007.  Besides, I...

Jurassic Park was on TV Tonight – 100 Days of Sci-Fi Oct05

Jurassic Park was on...

It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Jurassic Park. I really didn’t remember very much about it, so when I saw it on TV tonight I thought it would be an interesting watch. It’d been so long since it had been on and since I have watched it that I really...

7 Days of 007 – Day 2: Sean Connery Oct05

7 Days of 007 –...

Happy International James Bond Day, one and all! On this date 50 years ago, Dr. No, the first James bond film, made its theatrical debut.  Some of the things the general public would come to know about 007 originated here: the gun barrel intro sequence, the tux, the Vesper...

7 Days of 007 –...

Tomorrow is International Bond Day, marking the 50th anniversary of the theatrical release of Dr. No, the first James Bond film.  We here at SciFiFX felt it only necessary to celebrate with a week-long retrospective on how Bond came to be, and how he got to where he is now. Ian Fleming...

Virus – 100 Days of Sci-Fi Oct03

Virus – 100 Da...

Virus is a movie about a virus coming from aliens that infects a research vessel in the middle of the ocean. When a tugboat crew get caught up in a hurricane, they can’t seem to find a way out because the crazy captain towing cargo pushes it too far and almost loses everything....

Review: Looper Oct01

Review: Looper

Looper is movie primarily about four characters: Joe played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the older version of Joe played by Bruce Willis, Sara played by Emily Blunt, and her child Sid played by Pierce Gagnon. Joe is a Looper, which is basically a guy hired by the mob in the year 2072 to do a...

Trailer Looper Sep29

Trailer Looper

Well the movie is out, hope to have time to get out and see if in the next few days.  So until them I got ya this trailer, hope you enjoy!

Review: Dredd 3D Sep27

Review: Dredd 3D

Dredd was a bit surprising, and I half-anticipated being disappointed. I’m not sure if Dredd was supposed to be a rewrite of the original Judge Dredd from 1995 starring Sylvester Stallone playing Joseph Dredd, or if it’s simply a retelling of the story with a completely and totally...

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New Hobbit Trailer! Sep19

New Hobbit Trailer!

That’s right today saw the release of a new trailer for The Hobbit.  I am really looking forward to this movie!

James Gunn to Direct Guardians of the Galaxy Sep18

James Gunn to Direct...

Just released a few hours ago James Gunn announced that he will be directing Guardians of the Galaxy. Below is a quote from his face book page. For a month or so there’s been a lot of Internet speculation about my involvement with Marvel’s Guardians of the...

First Look: RoboCop’s New Look Sep17

First Look: RoboCop&...

I was so excited for the rebooted RoboCop when I first saw the upgraded ED-209.  It was faithful to the original, but looked like it was on steroids.  I had hoped for something a little less drastic for RoboCop himself, but figured it might be something close to the original. I...

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