Bond is Back!

James Bond that is. The next film in the 007 franchise is heading our way and here is the first trailer for Skyrim, I mean Skyfall.  

Continuum Premieres ...

Continuum is a new series premiering on the Canadian channel Showcase. Rachel Nichols stars as Kiera Cameron, a cop from 2077 who is swept back in time to the present day. Her mission is to stop a group of eight fanatical time terrorists from 2077, who are bent of wiping out the future of the...

Walking Dead Season ...

With filming for season 3 of The Walking Dead underway, AMC has realeased this behind the scenes sneak peak.

SyFy Cancels Sanctua...

It comes as no big surprise, but SyFy has finally officially announced that they are cancelling Sanctuary after four seasons. Amanda Tapping recently told Gateworld that they had released Sanctuary’s studio space because of SyFy’s delay in placing an order for a Fifth...

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Paul Cornell Intervi...

Doctor Who, Superman, Batman & Robin, and Demon Knights writer Paul Cornell was interviewed at Kapow! this past...

DC Boss Dan DiDio at...

DC’s Fearless Leader discusses the New 52 at...

Editorial: CW’...

I knew that when the CW got their hands on this property it was all going to go down hill quickly. Let me start off by saying that I was a kid when the Linda Hamilton/Ron Perlman Beauty and the Beast came out. I wasn’t truly all that interested in the show because it was a romance story....

Lobo Has A New Direc...

It was reported by io9 today that the movie adaptation of Lobo, a character from DC Comics, has a new director. Initially Guy Ritchie was initially slated to direct this film, but backed out instead to pursue a sequel to his Sherlock Holmes. Now, Brad Peyton is set to direct this movie. If you...

Stan Lee presents: D...

Another Dallas Comic Con come and gone.   I think there is a part of me that’s sad to have seen it gone, especially since the first one of these I went to was so small in comparison to what I’ve seen the past 2 days. To say I had a fun experience is understating the situation....

Tron: Uprising Featu...

For those of us who can’t get enough TRON, Disney XD will be premiering a new series TRON: Uprising. The show will premier on Thursday June 7th. Uprising will follow the story of Beck, a young program voiced by Elijah Wood. Beck leads a revolution inside The Grid against the...

CW Shifts Supernatur...

Supernatural is shifting time slots again! If you’ve been a long time fan of the show, then you know that it started out Thursdays in the 8/9pm time slot for the first five seasons. Then starting with season six, they shifted it to Fridays at 8/9pm. Now, much like when it started,...

Amazing Spider-Man 4...

I really haven’t been looking forward to this reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, and I’m still not too big on the new costume, but I gotta say this trailer makes me want to see it. Of course the Spidey mask comes off several times in the trailer, but at least the first time there...

Revolution Trailer a...

Revolution will premiere this fall and will air Mondays at 10/9c on NBC. From NBC’s Official Press Release: Our entire way of life depends on electricity. So what would happen if it just stopped working? Well, one day, like a switch turned off, the world is...

Once Upon a Time Sea...

Here is a trailer for next weeks Once Upon a Time Season Finale.  Looks like the Smoke Monster from Lost can still get...

Review #17 – F... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSBrave New World, Part 2 is the twenty-second episode of the fourth season of FRINGE and the season finale. It first aired on 11 May, 2012....

More Classic Doctor ...

On May 10th 6 Classic Target Doctor Who novels were re-released in the UK. Here in the US we have to wait until June 26th. These re-releases like the first batch have the original Chris Achilleos cover art, and have new introductions by Gary Russell, Michael Moorcock, Mark Gatiss, Steven...

Build the Enterprise May12

Build the Enterprise

One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energy – maybe even the atom. Energy that could ultimately hurl men to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will find ways to feed the hungry millions of the...

We’re Moving! May11

We’re Moving!

We are moving the site this weekend to a faster server!  There should not be any down time for the site, but we all know how these things can go.  If you have problems accessing the site or any of our content, don’t worry it will be back up shortly.  

Some Love for Bitter...

Today, io9 posted an article titled: Fantasy Novels That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity.  They got together some of their favorite fantasy authors of today and posted what they thought to be really good fantasy stories that, well, restore your faith in humanity. Now I could go on...

J.J. Abrams and Eric...

NBC has just greenlit a new series by J.J. Abrams (Alias, Lost, Fringe, Alcatraz), about the end of the world as we know it.  Given we are heading toward December 21, 2012 rather quickly it seems to be a popular subject matter for TV and movies.  And this time...

Editorial: Avengers ...

If you listened to the podcast, or even if you haven’t, you can probably guess I’ve seen the Avengers. This is one of the most anticipated films in the MARVEL film catalogue to date. It combines the power houses; Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America together with the two-time...

Maurice Sendak 1928-...

It is my sad job to report that Maurice “Where the Wild Things Are” Sendak passed away yesterday at the age of 83. He passed due to complications from a stroke. Known most widely for this book Where the Wild Things Are, which he wrote and illustrated himself, Mr. Sendak had an...

SyFy’s Treasur...

Where can I start with SyFy’s Treasure Island Mini-Series/Movie-Event/Whaterver they want to call it?  I guess I’ll start by saying I have always been a fan of the original book (by Robert Louis Stevenson), and the 1950 Disney Treasure Island...

The Amazng Spider-Ma...

Here are some of the first official images of The Lizard from the new Amazing Spider-Man movie. Looks pretty good to me, but we won’t know for sure until we can see how the face...

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TRON: Uprising Trail...

For those of us who can’t get enough TRON, Disney XD will be premiering a new series TRON: Uprising.  The show will premier on Thursday June 7th.  Uprising will follow the story of Beck, a young program voiced by Elijah Wood.  Beck leads a revolution inside The...

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