Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS This show give you the details of MegaCon 2015 – and a great interview with Jim...
Podcast #136 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis episode was recorded onsite at A Galaxy Called Dallas Comic Shop so the sounds quality may not be the best. But...
Doctor Who 50th Specials Announced!
posted by Carl
The BBC have released the promotional poster for the 50th anniversary special titled The Day of the Doctor.  They also announced a wide array of specials to celebrate everyone’s favorite Time Lord. The full BBC press release can be found here. The countdown starts here as the BBC reveals its plans to take over TV and radio to mark the Doctor’s 50th anniversary. With special programmes planned across the BBC, the celebrations will peak on 23 November with the anniversary episode, revealed as The Day Of The Doctor. Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant and Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt, the special for BBC...
Dallas Comic Con 201...
posted by Big Dog
Dallas Comic Con 2013 has been put to bed for another year. I have a lot of great things to say about this con, and what great guests, dealers, and groups they had. Not only was everyone in good spirits (including William Shatner himself!), but most of the other attendees I met were generally...
Podcast #106 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS The SciFiFX crew takes the show on the road and sets up fortifications in front of Comic Book Craze in Garland, TX....
Hug a Wookiee!
posted by SciFiJunkie
Alright, this is where our very own Big Dog shows us all how to hug a Wookiee! I would suggest it for everyone as it seems to give him great pleasure.
Sci-Fi Expo Day 2
posted by Big Dog
After two days at a con, I’m exhausted! I had every intention of getting this out as soon as I got home from Sci-Fi Expo, but I found myself completely wiped out after all the excitement that I was too out of it to put together coherent thoughts! Day 2 had me heading directly to the...
Sci-Fi Expo Day 1
posted by Big Dog
Day 1 of the Sci-Fi Expo at the Irving Convention Center has passed us, and what a day it was! Unlike the other cons that we’ve attended in the past year, we didn’t get much recorded, but that’s not to say I wasn’t mentally taking notes of everything going on. One of...
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posted by SciFiFX
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NaNoWriMo Begins!
posted by VaderFan
It’s November 1st, and that means that National Novel Writing Month has officially begun!  30 days of caffeine-induced, sleep-deprived madness resulting in the kind of excessive and needless drama, headaches, frustration, and fun that you just can’t get from other...
Austin Comic Con ...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Here is some of the good stuff that is Austin Comic Con / Wizard...
SciFiFX Podcast #81 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSSciFiFX Podcast #81 – Lance Henriksen at Fandays and our continued coverage of Fandays.
SciFiFX Podcast #79 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSSciFiFX Podcast #79 – Eddie McClintock at Fandays and our continued coverage at Fandays in Irving Texas.
SciFiFX Podcast #78 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSSciFiFX Podcast #78 – Felicia Day at Fandays with our continued coverage at Fanday in Irving, Texas.
SciFiFX Podcast #77 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSSciFiFX Podcast #77 – Robert Englund at Fandays and our continued coverage of Fandays in Irving, Texas.
SciFiFX Podcast #76 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSSciFiFX podcast #76 with Sean Astin at Fandays in Irving, Texas. This is our continued coverage from FanDays.
Review: Grimm –...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well here we are in season two episode eight of Grimm. Part of the story continues to get better, part of the story continues to get more and more annoying. Although overall the show is one heck of a good show, I’ll really be pleased when one of the story lines is dead. Now...
Fandays 2012 –...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSOur continued coverage of the Fandays day 2 with Bruce Campbell’s Q&A is an awesome kick-off the second day. Now I have to warn you...
Fandays 2012 –...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis is the first of our SciFiFX coverage from Fandays 2012 in Irving, Texas. As it turns out Fandays was one of the better conventions we had...
Dallas Comic Con Pre...
posted by Big Dog
The closing day of the con wasn’t nothing of what I expected, but in a very good way! Day 3 saw Carl and I arrive around 30 minutes early, and we were told to come in with the General Admission. With no problems to that effect, we went to the parking garage where they had been lining up...
Dallas Comic Con Pre...
posted by Big Dog
Day 2 of the con was a sheer blast of fun for all involved. When the con opened for guests, my first job was to go and get the autographs that I was missing. Robert “Freddy Krueger†Englund and Tara Strong. As always, I felt the butterflies almost immediately as I...
Dallas Comic Con Pre...
posted by Big Dog
The first day has ended, and I’m as buzzed as I can be. I’ve been pumping off of adrenaline all day with anticipation of the stars I would meet and the general excitement of being with the fans. Today saw more people than I actually expected. There were at least a couple thousand...
Dallas Comic Con Fan...
posted by Carl
We are at DCC FanDays this weekend and are taking photos of all the great people in costume.  We’ll be adding photos after each day of the convention so stop back, to check out the newest batch.  You can see the entire photo album here. %%wppa%% %%slideonlyf=26%%...
NaNoWriMo Site Reset
posted by VaderFan
Just a reminder for those of you wanting to try your hand at National Novel Writing Month (or even just thinking about it), the official NaNoWriMo site has been reset for this year’s event.  Log in, stock up your coffee supplies, and join the fray.  November 1 is...
Star Wars Reads Day
posted by VaderFan
Today is Star Wars Reads Day!  On October 6th, 2012, fans will come together to celebrate reading and Star Wars.  Join in the fun by finding an event near you.  All events will have giveaways and a raffle.  Select events will have authors and/or costumed...
NaNoWriMo Approaches...
posted by VaderFan
November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. It’ll be here before you know it. For those unfamiliar with this event, the idea is to put an end to false starts and over-editing that first chapter by focusing on a speedy first draft. The goal...
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posted by SciFiFX
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