Catching Fire is the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. This one is just like the first: there’s absolutely nothing that will disappoint. This book continued exactly where the last book left off. I was going to wait a little while before reading it because I had just finished the...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
Publisher’s Summary: Doctor Impossible, evil genius, diabolical scientist, wannabe world dominator, languishes in a federal detention facility. He’s lost his freedom, his girlfriend, and his hidden island fortress. Over the years, he’s tried to take over the world in every...
Warner Brothers Wins...
posted by Big Dog
If you’re a Superman fan of any sort, you might have been keeping up with the various lawsuits surrounding the character. For a very long time now, both the Siegel heirs and Shuster Estates have been fighting hard to regain their rights of the character, and in doing so terminate their...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
Publisher’s Summary: Evil is most assuredly afoot – and Britain’s fate rests in the hands of an alluring renegade… and a librarian. These are dark days indeed in Victoria’s England. Londoners are vanishing, then reappearing, washing up as...
Book Review: Jane: T...
posted by Big Dog
Some months ago, and very much by happenstance, I was browsing through and found that a new Tarzan novel was coming out. This was a fortunate thing for a Tarzan fan such as myself, so I found myself interested in what the premise of this book was. For starters, it wasn’t a new...
Star Wars Reads Day
posted by VaderFan
Today is Star Wars Reads Day!  On October 6th, 2012, fans will come together to celebrate reading and Star Wars.  Join in the fun by finding an event near you.  All events will have giveaways and a raffle.  Select events will have authors and/or costumed...
7 Days of 007 –...
posted by VaderFan
Tomorrow is International Bond Day, marking the 50th anniversary of the theatrical release of Dr. No, the first James Bond film. We here at SciFiFX felt it only necessary to celebrate with a week-long retrospective on how Bond came to be, and how he got to where he is now. Ian Fleming...
Book Review: Hunger ...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Hunger Games is the first book in a trilogy written by Suzanne Collins. While writing this review, I’m about to start book number two in the series called Catching Fire. I’ve reserved watching the movie until after I have finished the first book in the series, and now I get...
Book Review: Do Andr...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was written and first published in 1968. Apparently this was the primary basis for the 1982 film Blade Runner directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison Ford. Unfortunately I did not enjoy this book as much as I’ve enjoyed a lot of the...
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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Book review: The Zoc...
posted by SciFiJunkie
J.A. Dalley’s book The Zochtil is a military sci-fi story about a boy whose father was a captain of a ship that was destroyed when humans succeeded for the first time in going faster than the speed of light. This boy then spent the next 10 years of his life growing up on the...
Book Review: Time Wi...
posted by SciFiJunkie
This book was another one of those surprises that you are never really expecting. I needed something quick to read, or rather listen to, on my trip I was taking this past weekend. I needed to make sure that everything would work perfectly while I was driving, so of course I deferred to...
Newsletter: Septembe...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well it’s been just over a month since my last newsletter, and there’s been a lot going on in my sci-fi world every sense. I have had a very awesome last two weeks or even a month of sci-fi. It all began with the current series going on of Warehouse 13 and Alphas. It’s been...
Review: Ready Player...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline was published on June 5, 2012. This has got to be one of my all-time favorite books at this point. Now I don’t know if you’re familiar with exactly what Ready Player One is all about,  but get ready for a flashback to 1980s video games,...
2012 Hugo Award Winn...
posted by Carl
Last night the 2012 Hugo Award Winners were announced. Congratulations go out to all the winners and nominees from the staff at SciFiFX. The Hugo Awards are awarded every year at the the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). The The Hugo Finalists and winners are select by members of...
Editorial: The Kiss ...
posted by Big Dog
When I’m at work, I sometimes get too wrapped up in what I’m doing to look at all the fan sites and see what’s going on in our world of geekdom. There are times I make it to MSN or Yahoo News to get some info as to what’s going on out there, and sure enough...
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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Isaac Asimov –...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Foundation from Isaac Asimov is a very interesting story. It would appear that this story is broken up into several short stories, or several not so short stories. At times the separations of stories will catch you off guard. There are huge time gaps between the stories that make it one of...
Doctor Who and The B...
posted by Carl
Before I start my rant a brief background on my history with Doctor Who: I have been a fan of Doctor Who since I was 6 years old. This is not unusual in England, where Doctor Who is a part of the culture, much like Star Wars and Star Trek are here. In the USA most fans, at...
Editorial: What̵...
posted by VaderFan
I once heard it said that the best way to fully appreciate the things you enjoy most is to learn what influenced those things. Then when you discover those influences, go back and discover what inspired those influences, and so forth. It might have been Jon Bon Jovi that said...
Review: Darkwing Duc...
posted by Big Dog
There are some things that can make you feel like a kid again and today I got to read one of those things. Yesterday I was the proud recipient of Darkwing Duck: The Duck Knight Returns, the miniseries that brought an all-too-short revival of the character. I had read many reviews online about...
Doctor Who AudioGo R...
posted by Carl
AudioGo is giving a Classic Doctor Who story and a new Second Doctor novel, full unabridged audio books. They will also be releasing the 5th and final collection of Lost TV Episodes. All of this Doctor Who Audio goodness will be released by AudioGo in August. From AudioGo: The Aztecs Written...
Doctor Who: The Comi...
posted by Carl
From Telos Publishing and writer Paul Scoones comes The Comic Strip Companion: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who in Comics: 1964  1979. Yeah I know its a Very long book title, but it covers the first 15 years of the Doctor Who comic strip. From...
Editorial: Tarzan: T...
posted by Big Dog
I was planning on writing an article about how I thought it was time to bring Tarzan back to the big screen. Unfortunately, I’ve been beaten to the punch by a new motion capture 3-D feature set to hit the screens next year. Buzz around the internet has it that Kellan Lutz, an actor from...
Bitterblue Contest W...
posted by Carl
We have chosen the winner of our Bitterblue contest. And the winner is Susan D.! Susan wins a copy of Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore and a $50 VISA cash card! Thanks go out to everyone who entered the contest, and congratulations to Susan. Bitterblue is the long-awaited companion to...
RIP Ray Bradbury
posted by VaderFan
The worlds of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and mystery mourn the loss of a legend. Writer extraordinaire Ray Bradbury passed way peaceably last night. He was 91. Best known for writing classic books such as Fahrenheit 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Illustrated Man, and The...
Editorial: The First...
posted by Big Dog
DC announced that Alan Scott would be returning to the universe, and he would be gay. This is another change introduced into DC’s New 52 line, in this case their book Earth 2, which revolves around the formation of the Justice Society in modern times, mirroring the events that happened...