Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSAfter Troy suggested this as a good movie to review, I figured I could not just do a review on the movie when I had re
Podcast #136 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis episode was recorded onsite at A Galaxy Called Dallas Comic Shop so the sounds quality may not be the best. But...
Book Review: J.A. Da...
posted by SciFiJunkie
J.A. Dalley’s book Starwarden is a direct continuation of his first book in the series The Zochtil. It starts just where that last book left off, and is every bit as good at the first book. The first time I read it was when James showed up to a sci-fi meeting(that we hold each month)...
Podcast #115 –...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week I was joined by webmaster Earl Green.  Earl is also the author of VWORP!1, a guide that covers...
Book Review – ...
posted by Becka Goad
Novelization by Alex Irvine, story by Travis Beacham. Publication date: July 9, 2013 Page count: 325 Published by Titan Books in mass market paperback format. From the back of the book: When legions of monstrous creatures known as kaiju started rising from the sea, a war began that would take...
Podcast #111 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSWe got a bit backed up on some of our written book reviews, so we thought we’d just run a podcast and talk some about...
Podcast #110 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis month’s Book Club installment, we immerse ourselves in the ready-made, fully-interactive OASIS that is…...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
Earlier this month, we had the distinct pleasure of speaking at length with author Max Allan Collins, crime fiction writer extraordinaire and hand-picked successor of the late, great Mickey Spillane.  Within the scope of that interview, I mentioned that Spillane’s Mike Hammer...
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Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
Joe Simon.  Jack Kirby.  Each man a giant in the world of comics, this match-up is as legendary as Martin and Lewis, Tracy and Hepburn, or Lennon and McCartney.  If you just thought “who?” to any of these names amongst names, proceed directly to Google or...
Book Review: Superna...
posted by Big Dog
I’ll admit that I’ve never been a huge fan of tie-in novels. Despite having read my share of them for the site already, more often than not, these type of books make me feel like they’re dragging an episode out. Worse yet, there are times when it becomes...
Podcast #108 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSIn this special Mother’s Day edition of the podcast, we talk zombies with Plague Nation author Dana Fredsti… because...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
As someone who has spent a lifetime studying art and animation, one of the greatest joys I have in life is to get a peek behind the curtain at the creative process.  When our friends at Titan Books offered up The Art of Epic for review, I jumped at the chance. From the publisher: From...
Podcast #107 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSFor the book club this month, we all read listened to William Gibson’s Neuromancer.  For those not in the know (and...
Podcast #106 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS The SciFiFX crew takes the show on the road and sets up fortifications in front of Comic Book Craze in Garland, TX....
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
Way back at the beginning of the year, which I realize is ancient history where the internet is concerned, I reviewed James P. Blaylock’s return-to-steampunk novel, The Aylesford Skull.  I said at the time that this was part of a series, and that while each volume was standalone,...
Podcast #105 –...
posted by VaderFan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSSome people only dream of meeting their heroes.  Award-winning author Max Allan Collins has been handed the torch by...
Review: Plague Natio...
posted by Big Dog
In this day and age, we are inundated with zombie stories. In movies, TV, books, and comics the shambling (sometimes running) dead chase us until we find ourselves looking it over and seeing if it tickles our fancy. In this case, Titan Books graciously sent us Plague Nation by Dana...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
I’ve said it many times, and I’ll never stop reminding people: my first memory of life is seeing Star Wars opening day on the big screen.  That little movie informed me of a great many things that I would later go on to discover, which includes several points along the...
Interview – Ki...
posted by VaderFan
With special thanks to our friends at Titan Books, we at SciFiFX were able to interview Kim Newman.  He’s the author of the newly-reprinted Jago, the Anno Dracula series, and so many other wonderful works, both fiction and non-fiction.  He’s also regular...
Podcast 101 – ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week is the 4th installment in our SciFiFX Book Club.  Last month we all read, or listened to 20,000...
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Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
When Harlan Ellison speaks, you should listen.  I certainly do.  When a man wins 10 Hugos and an honorary doctorate, trust that he earned them and knows what he’s talking about.  In the last 50 years, a number of authors have been on the cutting edge of science...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
If you haven’t seen my review already, I am a big fan of author Kim Newman’s Anno Dracula series, through which I discovered his Warhammer titles dealing with a previous version of the Geneviève character that upstages the Anno Dracula line.  I am supremely...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
Once more, the good people at Titan Books graciously offer their wares for us to review, and once more I find myself reading something I probably wouldn’t have picked up on my own.  I love this sort of thing, because it’s exactly this situation that encourages me to expand...
The Return of the (O...
posted by VaderFan
Not in my wildest hopes did I expect to see this in this life or the next.  More than that, I’m wondering how this escaped my notice until now. With the 10th annual Tolkien Reading Day upon us on the 25th, my mind naturally turns to thoughts of the J.R.R. Tolkien and his...
Book Review – ...
posted by VaderFan
1963 saw a boom in the British spy genre after James Bond hit the big screen the year before in Dr. No.  As a result, it wasn’t just the spies who took center stage; a number of creations with a criminal past also lit up the intrigue of the time.  One of the standout...