7 Days of 007 – Day 5: Timothy Dalton Oct08

7 Days of 007 –...

As we previously noted, Timothy Dalton was the man originally slated to replace Sean Connery, but he turned it down, citing at the time that he was too young, and Connery was too good to follow.  As when Connery stepped down, the world and the studio played the guessing game of who...

NaNoWriMo Site Reset Oct07

NaNoWriMo Site Reset

Just a reminder for those of you wanting to try your hand at National Novel Writing Month (or even just thinking about it), the official NaNoWriMo site has been reset for this year’s event.  Log in, stock up your coffee supplies, and join the fray.  November 1 is...

7 Days of 007 – Day 4: Roger Moore Oct07

7 Days of 007 –...

Once named as “the lethal comedian,” Roger Moore is the longest officially-tenured 007 in the franchise, with Connery tying the record only if the unofficial Never Say Never Again is counted in your lexicon (I count it, but only because it’s...

Star Wars Reads Day

Today is Star Wars Reads Day!  On October 6th, 2012, fans will come together to celebrate reading and Star Wars.  Join in the fun by finding an event near you.  All events will have giveaways and a raffle.  Select events will have authors and/or costumed...

7 Days of 007 – Day 3: George Lazenby and the Return of Connery Oct06

7 Days of 007 –...

You might have noticed that yesterday’s article on Sean Connery was a little short.  This is because most people agree that Connery’s era was the gold standard and the one that everyone will compare to every later version of 007.  Besides, I...

7 Days of 007 – Day 2: Sean Connery Oct05

7 Days of 007 –...

Happy International James Bond Day, one and all! On this date 50 years ago, Dr. No, the first James bond film, made its theatrical debut.  Some of the things the general public would come to know about 007 originated here: the gun barrel intro sequence, the tux, the Vesper...

7 Days of 007 –...

Tomorrow is International Bond Day, marking the 50th anniversary of the theatrical release of Dr. No, the first James Bond film.  We here at SciFiFX felt it only necessary to celebrate with a week-long retrospective on how Bond came to be, and how he got to where he is now. Ian Fleming...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #5 – “The Fearmonger” From Big Finish’s site: One would-be assassin is in a mental ward. Another’s on the run. Their intended victim is...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #4 – “The Land of the Dead” From Big Finish’s site: Landing in Alaska, the Doctor and Nyssa encounter a group of people in a most unusual house, cut...

First Look: RoboCop’s New Look Sep17

First Look: RoboCop&...

I was so excited for the rebooted RoboCop when I first saw the upgraded ED-209.  It was faithful to the original, but looked like it was on steroids.  I had hoped for something a little less drastic for RoboCop himself, but figured it might be something close to the original. I...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #3 – “Whispers of Terror” From Big Finish’s site: The Doctor and Peri find themselves in the Museum of Aural Antiquities, where every sound is stored...

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NaNoWriMo Approaches! Sep11

NaNoWriMo Approaches...

November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short.  It’ll be here before you know it.  For those unfamiliar with this event, the idea is to put an end to false starts and over-editing that first chapter by focusing on a speedy first draft.  The goal...

Happy 46th, Star Tre...

On this date 46 years ago, Star Trek premiered to American audiences, the first primetime science fiction series for adult audiences filmed in color.  Over the years, the story of how the series was created has become part of what actor Robert Wuhl once termed “The...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #2 – “Phantasmagoria” From Big Finish’s site: The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Turlough to the London of 1702 where a mysterious highwayman roams the...

Review – Big F...

I’m hoping I’m wrong in my early misgivings regarding Series 7 of Doctor Who.  I’ll find out soon enough.  In the meantime, I’ve decided that it’s time to reclaim some of the fandom...

Star Wars Video Upda...

Hot off the heels of Celebration VI, a couple of announcements worth knowing. First, The Clone Wars has a new and highly impressive videos.  We have a clip featuring the long-anticipated Republic Clone Commando.  And better still…we have a new...

William Windom: 1923...

The world of classic science fiction lost another one.  William Windom, actor of film, stage, and screen, and World War II veteran paratrooper, passed away on August 16th of congestive heart failure.  He was 88 years old.  Windom’s first motion picture...

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Obituary: Harry Harr...

It is with profound sadness that I report the loss of another science fiction master.  Henry Maxwell Dempsey, aka Harry Harrison, passed away today, cause as yet unreported. He was 87.  Harrison was one of the more interesting characters of the sci-fi set.  An American...

Review: Iron Sky Aug13

Review: Iron Sky

The year is 2018.  African-American model James Washington is sent to the moon as part of a publicity stunt for the President of the United States as part of a re-election campaign.  But when his craft lands a little too close to a secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer...

Editorial: What̵...

I once heard it said that the best way to fully appreciate the things you enjoy most is to learn what influenced those things.  Then when you discover those influences, go back and discover what inspired those influences, and so forth.  It might have been Jon Bon Jovi that said...

RIP Ray Bradbury

The worlds of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and mystery mourn the loss of a legend. Writer extraordinaire Ray Bradbury passed way peaceably last night. He was 91. Best known for writing classic books such as Fahrenheit 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Illustrated Man, and The...

A Day Long Remembered: 35 Years of Star Wars May24

A Day Long Remembere...

On May 25, 1977, the worlds of science fiction and fantasy collided, and everything changed.  The classic era of adventure serials merged with state-of-the art visual effects and advances in sound technology, kickstarting a pop culture phenomenon that would define a...

Build the Enterprise May12

Build the Enterprise

One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energy – maybe even the atom. Energy that could ultimately hurl men to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will find ways to feed the hungry millions of the...

Review – Star ...

I’ve read nothing but internet garbage all day from sites who have nothing better to do than to remind us that the prequels divided the fanbase.  That news is 13 years old, and this Star Wars diehard is particularly sick of listening to it.  Time to change the...

Happy 80th, John Wil...

SciFiFX.com would like to extend birthday wishes to the great composer John Williams.  If you don’t know who he is, you’ve probably been living in a cave on Tatooine somewhere.  And even there, his music is piped through loud and clear. ...

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