Prodigy Contest!

Prodigy, the second book in the Legend Trilogy by writer Marie Lu, is scheduled to be released on January 29th 2013.  SciFiFX is giving you the chance to win a copy of the first book in the trilogy, Legend.  All you have to do to for a chance to win is send an e-mail...

Podcast #80 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss a long list of some of our favorite and most iconic Horror Monsters of TV, Film, and...

Review: Mockingbird Lane Oct27

Review: Mockingbird ...

Mockingbird Lane was on last night.  When I first heard about this darker more serious take on the Munsters I was sure that it would be terrible and as more and more information and photos came out about it I wrote it off completely.  Then I was happy when I heard that it had...

Free Audio Book from...

Two years ago author Neil Gaiman started a new Halloween tradition called All Hallow’s Read where people give each other scary books.  This year he has teamed with to give away a scary short story audio book written and read by Neil Gaiman....

Dallas Comic Con FanDays Photo Album Oct19

Dallas Comic Con Fan...

We are at DCC FanDays this weekend and are taking photos of all the great people in costume.  We’ll be adding photos after each day of the convention so stop back, to check out the newest batch.  You can see the entire photo album here. %%wppa%% %%slideonlyf=26%%...

Doctor Who Spearhead...

  It has been wondered, rumored, and teased about for years, and now next year it will become a reality. The most recent issue of Doctor Who Magazine had a list of the DVD/Blu-Ray releases for 2013. And low and behold a Blu-Ray release for Spearhead From Space is slated for release in...

Review – Big F...

Protect and Survive is the beginning of the latest 7th Doctor Trilogy from Big Finish.  Not only is this the start of a trilogy of adventures, but it answers the question, why there have been references to the TARDIS being White and then Black in various 7th Doctor...

Podcast #72: DCC Fan... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS This week we discuss the upcoming Dallas Comic-Con FanDays.  Fan Days takes place on October 19-21st...

Doctor Who Goes Ultr...

BBC Worldwide announce first UK Ultraviolet enabled DVD and Blu-Ray titles. This first on the list is the Doctor Who Series 7 Part 1 DVD and Blu-Ray.  Other titles to get the UV treatment are John Bishop’s new stand up title Rollercoaster, the...

Doctor Who: Post Pon...

If you are like me one of the questions that popped to mind as the credits for The Angels Take Manhattan rolled by on the screen was “What about Brian Williams?  Will he ever find out what happened to Amy and his son Rory?” Turns out tomorrow we will be...

Game of Thrones Season 3 Interview Videos Oct10

Game of Thrones Seas...

Games of Thrones is filming for Season 3 in the Croatian town of Dubrovnik.  Here are videos of the show’s producers and creators David Benioff and DB Weiss on set, courtesy of...

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Cloud Atlas Extended Trailer Oct09

Cloud Atlas Extended...

Here is a short commentary by the Cloud Atlas Directors: Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, and Lana Wachowski. And here is the extended trailer for Cloud Atlas. Cloud Atlas based on the novel by David Mitchell is an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in...

Podcast #71: Doctor ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThe whole gang is on board this week for a lively discussion of the ups and downs of the most...

Elementary Evaluation Oct07

Elementary Evaluatio...

I was updating my iPhone to iOS6 last night and had a couple of hours to kill, so I figured I’d checkout the first 2 episodes of Elementary, which had been sitting in my TiVo since it aired.  Over all Elementary is a good enough Police Procedural with a good bit of...

SyFy Picks Up Primeval: New World Oct03

SyFy Picks Up Primev...

SyFy Channel picks up the Canadian produced Primeval spin off series Primeval: New World. From SyFy Press Release: SYFY ACQUIRES PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD FROM ENTERTAINMENT ONE NEW YORK – October 3, 2012 – Syfy has acquired Primeval: New World, the next generation...

Review: Doctor Who: ...

Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed The Angels Take Manhattan.  The Angels were back on form, shooting people back in time to feed off the temporal energy released.  Written by Steven Moffat and beautifully directed by Nick Hurran.  It again had that big...

Podcast #70: RoboCop... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSI know I promised the next commentary would be Aliens, but hey we changed our minds.  We’ll do Aliens next...

Primeval New World Trailer Sep28

Primeval New World T...

Well, here it is, the first trailer for the long awaited Primeval New World.  This version of Primeval is produced in Canada, and from the trailer it appears the time portals were actually created as part of an experiment in Eureka.  I’m probably reading more into that...

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Podcast #69 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS This past weekend I attended FenCon IX.  FenCon has been one of my favorite conventions to attend for the last...

Doctor Who: The Ange...

New photo album posted for the upcoming Doctor Who episode “The Angels Take Manhattan,” more photos will be added as they are released. Also the “The Power of Three“ photo album has been updated with behind the scenes photos, and concept art...

Review: Doctor Who: ...

“The Power of Three” was written by Chris Chibnall, directed by Douglas Mackinnon, and stars Matt Smith (The Doctor), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond), Arthur Darvill (Rory ‘Williams’ Pond), Brian Williams (Mark Williams), and Jemma Redgrave (Kate...

New Hobbit Trailer! Sep19

New Hobbit Trailer!

That’s right today saw the release of a new trailer for The Hobbit.  I am really looking forward to this movie!

Doctor Who: The Powe...

New photo album posted for the upcoming Doctor Who episode The Power of Three, more photos will be added as they are released. Also the A Town Called Mercy photo album has been updated with behind the scenes photos, and concept art from the...

Revolution Premiers Sept. 17th Sep16

Revolution Premiers ...

NBCs new post apocalyptic series Revolution premiers Monday September 17th at 10/9PM Central. From NBC: What would you do without it all? In this epic adventure from J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions and “Supernatural’s” Eric Kripke, a family struggles...

Podcast #68 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss a long list of some of the most iconic Fantasy Monsters of TV, Film, and...

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