ABC Greenlights Joss Whedon’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series Aug29

ABC Greenlights Joss...

There has been a dozen reports that ABC has green lighted Josh Wheaton’s S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series for a pilot. Now I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of hard-core fans out there for whom this is going to be extremely good news. It will be very interesting to see if Joss...

Review:  Grimm – Bad Moon Rising Aug28

Review: Grimm ̵...

Well Grimm seems to have really taken off this season. I am kind of happily surprised because it seemed to be lagging a little bit towards the end of season one.  With this kind of start to season two we have seen “Bad Teeth,” “The...

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Was on Last Night Aug26

Terminator 2: Judgme...

I’m certainly fond of the Terminator series, and I really miss the TV series The Sarah Connor Chronicles with all the weekly fun that that came with it. Not to mention Summer Glau each week playing a Terminator is awesome also. But, we’re here to talk about Terminator 2: Judgment...

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Isaac Asimov – Foundation Aug25

Isaac Asimov –...

Foundation from Isaac Asimov is a very interesting story. It would appear that this story is broken up into several short stories, or several not so short stories. At times the separations of stories will catch you off guard. There are huge time gaps between the stories that make it one of...

Jaws at The Movie Theater! Aug24

Jaws at The Movie Th...

Now in 1975 when the original Jaws movie came out I was only six. I don’t specifically remember it when it first came out, but I do remember the effects of it over the following years. I’ve always had a fondness for the movie, and I’m not sure exactly why.  I’ve...

Another Earth Was on Tonight! Aug23

Another Earth Was on...

Well tonight I found another movie called Another Earth. I had not heard of this movie when I started watching it. I simply picked it off the TV Guide because of the category of sci-fi, and the description helped out a little bit talking about two earths. That said,  I’m not all...

Cowboys and Aliens Was on Tonight! Aug21

Cowboys and Aliens W...

I remember watching Cowboys and Aliens in the movie theater the first time around. I had very high expectations, and it was somewhat of a letdown. Tonight thanks to HBO, I had a chance to watch it a second time. This time I didn’t find as many flaws, and enjoyed it a lot more than I did...

SciFiFX Podcast #63 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week’s podcast we talk about optimism for the future. We discussed how sci-fi affects the future, and how...

What’s Your Fa...

Conventions are part of an everyday lifestyle of your average geek. I’m certainly no exception to this rule. Most of us enjoy going to the convention several times a year, but we have a tendency to enjoy different parts and different aspects of conventions. Now with so many...

So Long, Eureka. I Will Miss You! Aug15

So Long, Eureka. I W...

Well, that’s it. Eureka is over.  I, for one, am sad to see this fun and entertaining show go. But as it has been the history with the SyFy Channel,  the price of the shows start to go up after a few years and gets out priced at five years, and they cancel it. Said truth,...

Listeners’ Cla...

As many of you know, we had a recent poll on the website to determine what everybody’s favorite classic TV series in sci-fi. Some of the results that we received were very interesting. There were several shows that I was sure would be somewhat popular and others I was sure would not be...

Join the Geekdom Nat... is  the creation of the guys and the Fellowship of the Geek guys in an attempt to join all geeks and geek clubs together. The notion behind Geekdom Nation is a little grandiose. That has never seemed to stop us before, so together we created the Geekdom...

Has TV changed forev...

Has TV changed forever? It seems to me the back in the 90s there was a lot more TV series that were deeply involved in the sci-fi realm than there are today. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re still quite a bit on TV, in some of my previous articles say, and talk about all the...

Back to the Future Part III Was on Tonight Aug10

Back to the Future P...

It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Back to the Future Part III. Just so happens, I was flipping though the channels, and ran into this golden oldie about 3 minutes in. Michael J. Fox plays Marty McFly and his great great great great grandfather Seamus McFly. Now I...

Review: True Blood – “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” Aug07

Review: True Blood &...

True Blood for this week starts off with the vampires destroying the first of five plants that produce synthetic blood called true blood. This factory was located in Houston and produced approximately 25% of the world’s synthetic blood for vampires. Their plan is to destroy the...

SciFiFX Podcast #61 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis podcast is all about classic sci-fi monsters. We go back through several of them, breaking down each monster, talking...

Review: Total Recall Aug06

Review: Total Recall

Total Recall is remake of the 1990 version that included Arnold Schwarzenegger. This remake took a little bit of a different spin on the story. Unfortunately, Hollywood has not made it easy for me this week with reviews. Another un-awesome movie that has you ready and hyped up when you walk...

Review: The Dark Knight Rises Aug05

Review: The Dark Kni...

I finally made it out to see The Dark Knight Rises. I have to say it was not what I was expecting, but it did entertain. For the final installment of the Christopher Nolan vision of Batman, I can’t say that I was overly impressed. I also can’t say that I was unsatisfied or that I...

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SciFiJunkie’s ...

It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my newsletters. A lot has changed on the website since then. Now, I hate to say it, but I am extremely behind on watching all the new shows recently started. The SyFy Channel was kind enough to start their new season with their...

Syfy Boogeyman Preview Aug03

Syfy Boogeyman Previ...

The Boogeyman is a story about a couple of kids that while messing around accidentally release the creature. This creature called the Boogeyman goes on a killing spree, and after doing so, attempts to traditionally pick someone to look after him to be his guardian. This guardian is selected by...

Review: True Blood – “Somebody I Used to Know” Aug02

Review: True Blood &...

If you need to get caught up from last week, or if you missed anything, you can always go back and read my review from last week. But since you’re here, I’m going to go ahead and talk a little bit about it anyway.  If you remember correctly, the vampire leaders...

What Makes a Good Movie: Writing or Special Effects? Jul30

What Makes a Good Mo...

Let me start off by saying I am a hard-core fan of special effects. Now with that said, the question that I bring to the table tonight is, “Do special effects make a good movie, or does a good story make a good movie?” Bringing this all to light for me was HBO last night showing...

True Blood Review – July 28 – “In the Beginning” Jul29

True Blood Review &#...

Sookie considers life without fairy Powers, Sam locates shooters, Hoyt finds new friends. Now considering where everything ended up last week, I am looking forward to this week’s episode to figure out exactly what’s going on. On this particular review, I’m going to do it a...

Thank You, Amanda Tapping! Jul28

Thank You, Amanda Ta...

Amanda Tapping. Now here’s a subject that’s very easy for me to talk about. Amanda is one of my favorite actresses from Stargate SG-1. Let me re-word that; not only Stargate, she’s one of my favorite actresses, period. She has played parts in so many sci-fi shows that...

More Pictures of the New Judge Dredd Movie! Jul24

More Pictures of the...

Well here we are only two months away from September 21, 2012, and the next installment of Judge Dredd. I’ve watched the trailers, I listened to all the hype, and now I’m ready to put in my two cents on the net before the release date gets here. It appears from the last movie they...

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