Save The Clone Wars! Feb27

Save The Clone Wars!

Show host Jimmy Mac on the Rebel Force Radio podcast says that he’s been checking with inside sources (which I imagine includes his extensive Lucasfilm and Clone Wars cast and crew sources), and Disney has NO plans right now to air season 6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  If they...

Book Review – Everybody Loves Tank Girl Feb27

Book Review – ...

This might be the most difficult review I’ve written to date.  It’s not because the material is bad, but it’s because periodically I like to challenge myself with something so far beyond my normal wheelhouse that it might as well be alien to me.  That’s...

Podcast #96 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS At long last is the much anticipated (at least by us) Stargate DVD Commentary.  I have loved this movie...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #24 – “The Eye of the Scorpion” From Big Finish’s site: Egypt is in mourning. Pharaoh, the great God-King, is dead. The future of the Two Kingdoms of...

Editorial: So You Decided to Date the Undead: Chapter 2: Zombies Feb23

Editorial: So You De...

If you have come back for this chapter, it could mean a few things. The first of which is that you’re bored of whatever it is you’re doing. The second is that you’re convinced now that vampires aren’t your thing. The third is you’ve done the vampire thing, and it...

Goldtiger: How You C...

SciFiFx received a press release from Guy Adams, in the hopes of getting help with a new project that he and Jimmy Broxton are starting. This is the sort of project that I’m always willing to support, because it’s got a great deal of nostalgia to it, for being something new. I have...

Editorial: So You Decided to Date the Undead: Chapter 1: Vampires Feb19

Editorial: So You De...

So the dating world has disappointed you once more. You’ve heard that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but for some reason you keep getting the bottom feeders. This time, you’ve had enough of it and have turned your attention to a whole new batch of potential date materials,...

Book Review: Dead Space: Liberation Feb18

Book Review: Dead Sp...

To wrap up the last of the Dead Space graphic novels, here is the review on Dead Space: Liberation. This one sees Christopher Shy return as the artist and Ian Edington take over the writing duties. This book takes place in between the events of Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. I’m...

Book Review: Dead Space: Salvage Feb17

Book Review: Dead Sp...

Let’s delve once more into the Dead Space Universe with Dead Space: Salvage. This entry was written by Antony Johnston and the art was done by Christopher Shy. This was much shorter to read than the first graphic novel of this series, and instead picks up in the middle of the events...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #23 – “Project: Twilight” From Big Finish’s site: In the renovated docklands of South East London, on the bank of the river Thames, the doors of the...

Book Review: Dead Space (2008) Feb14

Book Review: Dead Sp...

Thanks to the kindness of Titan Books, I’ve been given the chance to read Dead Space  by Antony Johnston, and art by Ben Templesmith.   This graphic novel is a prequel to the video game of the same name, a film called Dead Space: Downfall, and the Wii entry, Dead...

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Book Review: Encounters of Sherlock Holmes Feb13

Book Review: Encount...

Whenever I post a review about a book or, as in this case, an anthology of short stories that deals with beloved characters or settings, I like to remind those who read these reviews that I am an incredibly harsh critic when it comes to those characters with whom I’m intimately familiar...

Editorial: Orson Sco...

Yet another controversy for the Man of Steel has arisen. DC has made the move to get reknowned science fiction writer, Orson Scott Card, to pen the Adventures of Superman. The first issue will hit the digital work in April and on paper in May. This has many people upset, because of the...

Sci-Fi Expo Day 2

After two days at a con, I’m exhausted! I had every intention of getting this out as soon as I got home from Sci-Fi Expo, but I found myself completely wiped out after all the excitement that I was too out of it to put together coherent thoughts! Day 2 had me heading directly to the...

Preview: End of the World Feb10

Preview: End of the ...

End of the World premiers on SyFy Channel on Saturday the 23rd of February at 9/8PM (ET/CT). Plasma rain causes massive power surges, collapsing communication networks, and reduces cities to piles of ash.  Two small town sci-fi fan boys, who work at a video store, dig deep into their...

Sci-Fi Expo Day 1

Day 1 of the Sci-Fi Expo at the Irving Convention Center has passed us, and what a day it was! Unlike the other cons that we’ve attended in the past year, we didn’t get much recorded, but that’s not to say I wasn’t mentally taking notes of everything going on. One of...

Review – Big F...

This week we’re taking a break from the normal run of Big Finish Doctor Who audios.  Instead, this entry takes a look at a 4-part mini-series that showed up interlaced with the regular monthly series at about this point in the run.  It recycles the Dalek Empire title, and...

Podcast #95 – ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we have the second edition of the SciFiFX Book Club.  Last month we all read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott...

RIP: Stuart Freeborn

Sad news today.  Stuart Freeborn, a creature FX and makeup artist film legend has become one with the Force.  He was 98. There is a far, far better obituary than I could offer over at, which I suggest checking out if you truly want to get an idea of...

Book Review – The Wizard of Oz: A Steampunk Adventure Feb03

Book Review – ...

About three weeks ago, author S. D. Stuart emailed SciFiFX and requested that we review his novel, The Wizard of Oz: A Steampunk Adventure, for our site.  With apologies to the author for the amount of time it took to get this review posted, I nevertheless offer it here for...

Review – Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #22 – “Bloodtide” From Big Finish’s site: The prehistoric Earth is dying. Thunderclouds roll across the skies, cloaking the land in darkness. The seas...