Star Wars Episodes I...

It might not seem like a big deal for some people, but for those looking to see the rest of the prequels in 3D on the big screen, it looks like that will have to wait. From Lucasfilm has decided to postpone this fall’s scheduled release of Star Wars Episodes II...

Book Review: Warlord of the Air Jan28

Book Review: Warlord...

One of the things I’m coming to respect about Titan Books is that they’re reprinting some of the lost genre greats.  Granted, I wouldn’t exactly refer to Michael Moorcock as “lost,” but some of his works are a little harder to find sometimes since...

Podcast #94 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week the Twitter-Sphere and Inter-Webs were all a buzz with the announcement that J.J. Abrams was confirmed as the...

Confirmed: J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars Ep. VII Jan26

Confirmed: J.J. Abra...

  After a number of websites expressed “fact” without real confirmation, and after a number of fans accepted it as gospel in spite of a lack of evidence at the time… the will of the Force is at last made known to us.  Announced directly from Lucasfilm via...

Review Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #21 – “Dust Breeding” From Big Finish’s site: On nineteenth Century Earth artist Edvard Munch hears an infinite scream pass through nature. Centuries...

James P. Blaylock: T...

Readers might recall that I recently reviewed The Aylesford Skull by Steampunk Legend James P. Blaylock. With immense gratitude to Mr. Blaylock and Titan Books, we’ve got a special treat today.  SciFiFX was invited to be a part of The Aylesford Skull...

Podcast #93 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSI know we promised this would be a Stargate DVD commentary, but when we got ready to start we found that the Ultimate Stargate...

Review Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #20 – “Loups Garoux” From Big Finish’s site: Germany, 1589: the townspeople of Cologne pronounce a sentence of death on a mass-murderer who has stalked...

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Rumor: Zack Snyder Helming Non-Trilogy Star Wars Film? Jan14

Rumor: Zack Snyder H...

Until facts are confirmed, let the speculation begin!  According to Vulture, Man of Steel, 300, and Watchmen director Zack Snyder will be taking the reins on a new Star Wars movie… but not one of the new trilogy.  Instead, it will take place...

Podcast #92 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the things we are looking forward to in 2013.  We discuss what events, books, TV shows, and movies we are...

Review Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #19 – “Minuet in Hell” From Big Finish’s site: The twenty-first century has just begun, and Malebolgia is enjoying its status as the newest state in...

Warner Brothers Keeps Superman Jan12

Warner Brothers Keep...

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the courts ruled to let Warner Brothers keep their hold over Superman. The 2001 agreement made with the with the Siegels convinced the Court of Appeals that the family had already reached an agreement to keep Superman in the hands of DC...

The SciFiJunkie News...

It appears that I may just have to move a little bit further away from work so that I have enough time in the car to listen to a few more audio books. After finishing the first of the Star Force series called Swarm, and already having Ender’s Game on my schedule for...

Book Review: Swarm by B. V. Larson Jan10

Book Review: Swarm b...

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, but I haven’t been doing a lot of reviews. In all reality I’ve been doing a lot of listening to audio books downloaded from I have a large amount of time each day driving, and I have used this time to get my daily fix of...

Book Review – The Aylesford Skull Jan08

Book Review ...

SciFiFX celebrates the release of author James P. Blaylock‘s first full length steampunk novel in 20 years! For the uninitiated, James P. Blaylock is considered to be one of the founding fathers of steampunk, along with Tim Powers and K. W. Jeter, all three of whom are incredibly...

Podcast #91 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week is our first SciFiFX Book Club podcast.  Last month we all read book 1 of The Dresden Files: Storm...

Podcast #90 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we give our review of the Doctor Who Christmas Special: The Snowmen.  We also...

Review Big F...

This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #18 – “’The Stones of Venice” From Big Finish’s site: The Doctor and Charley decide to take a well-deserved break from the monotony of...
