This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #17 – “Sword of Orion†From Big Finish’s site: One of our very best-selling releases. Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor along with his brand new...
Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
 This years’ Doctor Who Christmas special, The Snowmen, was an exciting fun fairy tale romp of an adventure. The Doctor has been in a self imposed exile living in London in 1892. He has parked the TARDIS in the clouds and has an invisible staircase...
Podcast #89 – ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we scratch the surface on Alternate Timelines, and Parallel Universes.  This is a topic so vast that I am sure...
Photo-album: Doctor ...
posted by Carl
Here is our photo-album for this years’ Doctor Who Christmas special, The Snowmen.  Not only do we get a new episode of Doctor Who for Christmas, but we also get a new companion, a new version of the theme, a new title sequence, and a new TARDIS console!...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #16 – “Storm Warning†From Big Finish’s site: October, 1930. His Majesty’s Airship, the R101, sets off on her maiden voyage to the...
The Doctor Saved Us!
posted by VaderFan
It’s December 22, which means the feared Mayan doomsday prophecies were averted. How did it happen? Much speculation abounds, but we at SciFiFX have the scoop. The answer, apparently, is a madman with a box who was determined to make a movie. Our source...
Podcast #88 – ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThat’s right we all went to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and now you can listen to our thoughts on it.  Be...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #15 – “The Mutant Phase†(Dalek Empire Part Three) From Big Finish’s site: In the 22nd century, the Daleks have occupied planet Earth. By the 43rd...
Review – Flash...
posted by VaderFan
Before Star Wars, before Star Trek, before Doctor Who… there were names amongst names in science fiction that resonate to this day.  One of the most venerable of that bygone age is Flash Gordon.  How influential is this character?  “Originally I wanted to...
Your Ad Here...
posted by SciFiFX
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Podcast #87 – ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the current state of Film Restoration, and some of the “improvments” that are being done to films when...
SciFiFX Book Club
posted by Carl
We announced on our last podcast that we have decided to start a monthly book club. On the first podcast of the month we will randomly choose a book from out database. The next month we will discuss that book. The selection this month is book 1 of The Dresden Files: Storm...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #14 – “The Holy Terror†(Side Step) From Big Finish’s site: The TARDIS lands in a forbidding castle in a time of religious upheaval. The old god has...
New TARDIS Interior
posted by Carl
Apparently the Doctor has done a spot of re-decorating between The Angels Take Manhattan and The Snowmen. The BBC have released a sneak peek at part of the TARDIS redesign. The new Interior was designed by Michael Pickwoad, the production designer on Doctor Who. So, this Christmas we...
Arrow – â€...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Normally when I start watching shows like Arrow they start off with a really big bang, and then slowly over half a dozen of episodes, things deteriorate to the point where I have a very hard time watching. This seems to take till around the end of the first season or even before that in most...
Figma Link Action Fi...
posted by Big Dog
There will be a bunch of disappointed Legend of Zelda fans here in North America this Christmas. The Figma Link action figure, produced by Max Factory, that was recently released in Japan was scheduled to hit shelves in North America with the help of Diamond Comics...
Review: Steamboy
posted by VaderFan
I am one of those who simply does not get Anime.  Most the examples I’ve seen – and I’ve seen plenty, believe me – are riddled with substandard animation quality, wacky pop tunes that do not belong, and plots that make almost no sense whatsoever.  For...
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posted by SciFiFX
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Iron Man Was on TV L...
posted by SciFiJunkie
It has been a long time since I’ve seen Iron Man, the original movie, and there has been a lot of releases connected to it since then. They have really altered the perspective that you got when you originally watched it. You kind of have a different perspective of Tony Stark from when...
Book Review: World W...
posted by SciFiJunkie
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks wasn’t anything of what I was expecting it to be. I was expecting the actual zombie war, and what I got was – as the title states – “An Oral History of the Zombie War.†Let me start off...
Preview: The 12 Disa...
posted by Carl
The 12 Disasters of Christmas premiers Saturday December 8th at 9/8PM ET/CT on SyFy Channel. An ancient prophecy about the end of the world comes true. The 12 Disasters of Christmas is based on quite possibly one of the most flimsy premises I’ve ever...
Podcast #86 – ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss NaNoWriMo, or the National Novel Writing Month.  Basically NaNoWriMo is...
Review: Tarzan: The ...
posted by Big Dog
If you are a Tarzan fan, or even if you’re not, then I want to recommend Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration to you! Author (and Edgar Rice Burroughs expert) Scott Tracy Griffin has brought forth a labor of love for fans and newbies alike to enjoy. What makes it amazing is that it’s...
Book Review: Anno Dr...
posted by VaderFan
I’ve pimped this series on our podcast a couple of times, but having just finished book 3, I felt it was high time (indeed, long overdue) that I worked up a proper review for these books.  To start things off, let me just open with a quote from an acknowledged master of the...
Review – Big F...
posted by VaderFan
This is the next in line of my Big Finish Productions Doctor Who retro-reviews. #13 – “The Shadow of the Scourge†(Side Step) From Big Finish’s site: The Pinehill Crest Hotel in Kent is host to three very different events: a...