Poll Results – The SciFiFX.com Sexiest Woman of Sci-Fi
The SciFiFX.com Sexiest Woman of SciFi, now that all the votes are in, it is time for us to release the results. This was one of the heaviest voted on polls that we have had. So let’s not mess around let’s just get to it:
Number 10: Billie Piper (6%)

Number 9: Claudia Black (6%)
Number 7 and 8: Tied – Karen Gillan & Jessica Alba (9% Each)

Number 6: Lexa Doig (9%)
Number 5: Amanda Tapping (9%)

Number 4: Natalie Portman (11%)

Number 3: Kate Beckinsale (11%)
Number 2: Sarah Michelle Gellar (23%)
Number 1: Summer Glau (59%)
The results of the poll are as follows:
[poll id=”10″ type=”result”]