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Join the Geekdom Nation!

GeekdomNation.com is  the creation of the SciFiFX.com guys and the Fellowship of the Geek guys in an attempt to join all geeks and geek clubs together. The notion behind Geekdom Nation is a little grandiose. That has never seemed to stop us before, so together we created the Geekdom Nation in the hopes to bring geeks and geek clubs together in a unified place to benefit all.

Geekdom Nation provides its members with a website that feeds from an RSS feed and links back to them. All Geekdom Nation member websites have their RSS feed added to the Geekdom Nation website allowing geeks to help find other geeks.  In addition it allows all of us to share information, provides a single source of headers and articles posted on all websites that link back directly to the Geekdom Nation member site.

We hope that as the numbers continue to grow that this feed can be turned into more than just a simple website with a bunch of links, but a search tool to locate your kind of geeks and clubs from your area of town. We hope that someday Geekdom Nation can provide its members with the tools necessary to grow and prosper from its membership, and from the group efforts of all member sites.

To join Geekdom Nation you will need to go to its website at http://www.geekdomnation.com and submit a request to become a member. There are very few requirements: you need to put a link back to Geekdom Nation, and you need to be a geek with a geeky website. Membership is not limited to those websites with geek in the name of their website. If you are and individual that knows somebody or a club that should be a member, please let them know about us. Send them a link to this article or send them to the website. Geeks staying in contact with other geeks, that’s Geekdom Nation at work!