In Boogeyman, premiering Saturday, August 11 at 9PM (ET/PT), a group of young boys inadvertently free the creature from captivity. Going on a rampage, the Boogeyman, whose origin dates back to the time of Genesis, targets an innocent child – whose father is the town Sheriff...
What Makes a Good Mo...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Let me start off by saying I am a hard-core fan of special effects. Now with that said, the question that I bring to the table tonight is, “Do special effects make a good movie, or does a good story make a good movie?” Bringing this all to light for me was HBO last night showing...
The State of Doctor ...
posted by Carl
It has been said that the companions in Doctor Who since its return in 2005 have been better written, more well-rounded characters. That the female companions especially are more independent, stronger female roles, and they aren’t there just to say...
True Blood Review ...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Sookie considers life without fairy Powers, Sam locates shooters, Hoyt finds new friends. Now considering where everything ended up last week, I am looking forward to this week’s episode to figure out exactly what’s going on. On this particular review, I’m going to do it a...
Thank You, Amanda Ta...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Amanda Tapping. Now here’s a subject that’s very easy for me to talk about. Amanda is one of my favorite actresses from Stargate SG-1. Let me re-word that; not only Stargate, she’s one of my favorite actresses, period. She has played parts in so many sci-fi shows that...
Obituary: Mary Tamm ...
posted by Carl
Yesterday we lost another member of the Doctor Who family, Mary Tamm, better known to Doctor Who fans as Romana (I). She passed away at the age of 62, after an 18 month long battle with cancer on July 26th. Mary Tamm played Romana (I), the first Time Lady we see in Doctor...
SciFiFX Special News...
posted by Big Dog Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis special newscast talks about what Batman means as a hero, James Holmes, and thoughts surrounding the tragedy in Colorado. Big Dog also...
More Pictures of the...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well here we are only two months away from September 21, 2012, and the next installment of Judge Dredd. I’ve watched the trailers, I listened to all the hype, and now I’m ready to put in my two cents on the net before the release date gets here. It appears from the last movie they...
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Sunday Afternoon Wit...
posted by SciFiJunkie
Well it’s Sunday afternoon, the podcast is over, and you have nothing left to do but watch TV. I trust the great DirecTV DVR that it will have something that I want to see. Well of course that doesn’t mean anything there’s nothing to watch. So in desperation, I pull up your...
SciFiFX Podcast #60 ...
posted by SciFiJunkie Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSWelcome back to the podcast. This week is episode number 60. Yes we made it to number 60 and we thought after reading...
An Image Says it All
posted by Big Dog
Thanks to those who made this one.  You said a mouthful for all of us who love...
Red Dwarf X Trailer
posted by Carl
Thats right Red Dwarf returns after a long hiatus for its 10th season/series! Airing on Dave later this year. Here is the first official trailer!
Editorial: Colorado ...
posted by Big Dog
This morning’s article was a rush job on my part. I know it shows, but it comes down to two things; 1. I was at work and trying to make sure I put out our sympathies. 2. I was still in shock about this. After talking with coworkers about this all day and reading various accounts of the...
Gunman Kills 14 and ...
posted by Big Dog
It is with a heavy heart and deepest sympathy that I report about this tragic event. In Aurora, CO, at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, a lone gunman killed 14 people and injured 50 others. Several are still in critical condition, and others have just been shaken horrifically. We...
The Amazing Spider-M...
posted by SciFiJunkie
As we all know Spider-Man released this past week. Now for the record, I have to say that I had no problems with the original Spider-Man series. I thought some parts of it were better than others, and I thought some of some of the movies were better than others. It had its problems...
True Blood – R...
posted by SciFiJunkie
I’ve got to say that True Blood wasn’t something that I thought I would like, when I originally started watching. The opening credits are something that lack taste, I would have to say. I originally started watching it quite by accident. I get into these phases where I...
SciFiFX Podcast #59 ...
posted by Carl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks that we have been listening to and give our recommendations.
Is that Mark Hamill?
posted by SciFiJunkie
Wow another vision of Mark Hamill that doesn’t look like Mark Hamill. This picture of Mark Hamill reminds me of the YouTube video that we have posted. It looks nothing like him and unless it is pointed out you would never know that it was him. This particular picture is from his latest...
Marvel Names It̵...
posted by Carl
Marvel has announced the official titles and release dates for the follow-ups to Thor and Captain America. Thor’s sequel will be titled Thor: The Dark World, and is set for release on the 8th of November 2013. Cap’s sequel will be called Captain America: The Winter...
Swierczynski and Dan...
posted by SciFiJunkie
The acclaimed creators will take readers to Mega-City One this winter! San Diego, CA (July 14, 2012) – After announcing their partnership with the legendary 2000 AD at WonderCon 2012, IDW Publishing is proud to announce Duane Swierczynski and Nelson Daniel as the creative team...
Review: Doctor Who: ...
posted by Carl
It’s no secret that I am a long time fan of Big Finish’s Doctor Who full cast audio plays. But the 161st installment of their monthly Doctor Who Range is a real treat. Before we get into that, a little background on Big Finish. They are...
Star Trek the Next G...
posted by Carl
Get your tickets now to experience 2 episodes from season 1 of Star Trek The Next Generation remastered and on the Big Screen. In celebration of the 25th anniversary, and the Blu-Ray release, Fathom Events are hosting a special screening of the episodes “Where No One Has Gone...
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Falling Skies Renewe...
posted by Carl
TNT has orderd a third season of its alien invasion series Falling Skies from executive producer Steven Spielberg Falling Skies stars Noah Wyle and is currently airing its second season. Currently averaging 5.9 million viewers, the series ranks as basic cable’s #1...
posted by SciFiJunkie
NEW YORK – July 11, 2012 – Iain Glen (Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey) will portray a troubled man bent on vengeance during the upcoming third season of Syfy’s popular series Haven, which returns Friday, September 21 at 10PM (ET/PT). Glen guest...