Warning Daleks Ahead
“Warning Daleks Ahead”,  is what an electronic construction sign along Arapahoe Road in Boulder Colorado read from Tuesday, May 22nd until mid-day Wednesday.

A road construction sign on eastbound Arapahoe Road in Boulder was hacked Tuesday night by “Doctor Who” fans. (Photo by: Matt Sebastian / Daily Camera)
City of Boulder officials said Wednesday that the sign is maintained by the Colorado Department of Transportation.
CDOT spokeswoman Ashley Mohr:
“It was locked, so we’re not quite sure how folks were able to break into it,” she said. “But we’re looking into it.”
A similar incident occurred last year when a sign was changed to read “ZOMBIES AHEAD”, but that time CDOT workers had accidentally left the message-entry box unlocked.
I don’t know about you, but if a sign warned me about Daleks ahead, I would probably turn around and find an alternate route.
When I worked in a hospital, one of the floors had a microwave for residents and staff. Someone hacked it to say:
Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilated.
One nurse was terrified of the microwave machine and wouldn’t use it or go near it for weeks.