Preview: SyFy’...

Synopsis: When a family in Normal Alaska receives a mysterious gift of a Snow Globe on Christmas Eve all Snowmageddon breaks loose.  Snowmageddon premiers on the SyFy Channel on Saturday December 10th at 9PM Eastern Time. My Thoughts: Snowmageddon has some really good concepts, they...

Warehouse 13 Christmas Preview Nov30

Warehouse 13 Christm...

Warehouse 13: The Greatest Gift Preview Episode Description: Pete inadvertently activates an artifact that creates an alternate reality where he never existed. To restore reality as he knows it, Pete must track down his friends, who have new lives and no memory of him. Preview: Warehouse 13 is...

Haven Christmas Preview Nov30

Haven Christmas Prev...

Haven: Silent Night Episode Description: The town’s inhabitants start disapearing and for some reason everyone thinks its Christmas Eve in July. Preview: First off, just how bad can a Christmas Episode be when a paddle boarder is sliced in half in the opening sequence? Audrey notices...

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Eureka Christmas Pre...

Eureka: Do You See What I See? Episode Description: As Carter and Allison prepare a Christmas surprise for the kids, a wave of energy sweeps over Eureka, transforming everyone into animated characters. Preview: Every year shows come out with their take on the same old Christmas stories, but...

Review #10 – T... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSAnother pretty good showing from Terra Nova – Now You See Me. It would appear they are heading in a good direction with...

Jack Kirby Museum an...

The Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center has decided to be more than just an online presence. The JKMaRC site issued a press release two weeks ago saying that they were looking to get a brick and mortar gallery for the extensive work of one of comics’ legends. The campaign is looking...

SciFiFX Newscast #00... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSHere is your weekly infodump of SciFi News. Star Trek News: Star Trek Sequel gets its premier...

Doctor Who: Worlds I...

Doctor Who: Worlds in Time is a browser-based online games set in the Doctor Who universe.  Players will help the Doctor as he tries to stop a menace that threatens the very fabric of the time stream. At launch, the game will include monsters from the classic and new series as well as...

Doctor Who: Midnight...

The Lass O’Gowrie will be holding several performances of a brand new adaptation of Russell T. Davies’ Doctor Who episode Midnight.  That’s right as a part of their inaugural Midwinter Lassfest running from January 2nd – 29th of 2012, they will be performing an...

Game of Thrones Season 2 Production Trailer Nov25

Game of Thrones Seas...

Here is a behind the scenes production trailer for Season 2 of Game of Thrones.  I know I can’t wait for it to start back up.     Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

Review #9 – Sa... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis review is for November 18th 2011 episode of Sanctuary called Icebreaker with Amanda Tapping. You will find this simple story...

Neil Gaiman Starts A...

Neil Gaiman has always been a strong proponent of audio books.  He has narrated many of his own titles, as well as books by other authors. Gaiman recently agreed to hand-select and produce a line of audiobooks in a partnership with online audiobook retailer  Neil...

The Doctor, The Wido...

This year’s Christmas Special, The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe features guest stars Claire Skinner as Madge, Alexander Armstrong as Reg, Holly Earl as Lily, and Maurice Cole as Cyril. The BBC have released the episode synopsis the Doctor Who Christmas...

48th Anniversary Of ...

On November 23rd 1963 a new Science Fiction series called Doctor Who first aired on BBC1. Since that day Doctor Who has gone on to be one of the biggest and longest running SciFi franchises of all time. Doctor Who holds several Guinness World Records, including the Longest-running Science...

The Darkest Hour TV Trailer Nov23

The Darkest Hour TV ...

New TV Trailer for The Darkest Hour.  I still think that’s a really great special effect when someone gets zapped by the aliens. The Darkest Hour opens in theaters Christmas Day.     Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

Review #8 – Cl... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSBig Dog reviews the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Darkness on Umbara story arc. Episode Description: “The first step...

A Farewell To Anne M...

My dearest Anne, I heard of your passing today with a heavy heart, and the longer I think about all that I owe to you, the deeper my regret grows. I never had the chance, beyond the exchange of coinage, to give voice to the gratitude I felt for the many hours of pleasure your efforts brought...

Review #7 – Su... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSI review this weeks Supernatural Season 7 Episode 9 – How To Win Friends and Influence...

The Fourth and Secon...

The Last two episodes  of the Fourth Doctor AudioGo Series Serpent Crest will feature not only the Fourth Doctor, but the Second Doctor,  That’s right they are giving us a multi Doctor audio story.  So Who will be playing the part of the Second Doctor,...

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SciFiFX Podcast #35 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the Nudist in Portland who re-created the Tauntaun scene from Empire Strikes Back with a horse.  Then we have a...

Neverland Preview

  SyFy’s Neverland is a prequel mini-series to the original Peter Pan.  Neverland airs Sunday December 4th and Monday December 5th at 9PM Eastern/8PM Central.  Neverland stars Rhys Ifans as Jimmy Hook, Charlie Rowe as Peter, Anna Friel as Elizabeth Bonny,...

SciFiFX Newscast #00... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSHere is your weekly infodump of SciFi News. TV News:Russell Tovy leaves Being...

Mirror, Mirror Trail...

last week we posted the trailer to Snow White & The Huntsman, this we the trailer for the other Snow White movie Mirror, Mirror. So not only do we have Fables Light, I mean Once Upon A Time on TV, but there will be 2 Snow White movied in the theaters next year. From this first trailer...

Preview: SyFy’s Storm War Nov16

Preview: SyFy’...

Storm War stars Stacey Keach as Marcus Grange, so how bad could it be, oh wait, it’s Stacey Keach. Actually I like Stacey Keach, he’s one of those actors that is always very good, but mostly seems to get cast in movies that aren’t so good....

DC Nation Teaser Nov15

DC Nation Teaser

Next year Cartoon Network is starting up their new DC Nation.  DC Nation will be made up of lots of shows inspired by DC Comics characters, and lots of shorts, as well as DC Comics based news.  Here is the teaser commercial for what’s coming...

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