Joss Whedon Writes/P...

While working on The Avangers, Joss Whedon and Kai Cole created a micro-studio called Bellwether Pictures to produce Whedon’s take on Much Ado About Nothing.  Now they are already announcing their second film.  A supernatural romance, In Your Eyes, which...

SciFiFX Podcast #33 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis podcast is all about Real Life SuperHeros, what they are, who they are, and what they stand for. We also have a special guest Purr Kayla...

SyFy Films Announces...

SyFy Films announced today that it has acquired the rights to the Science –Fiction superhero anthology Wild Cards edited by George R. R. Martin. The ongoing anthology of 22 books was first published in 1987 and is based on stories by a consortium of science-fiction writers....

Star Wars: The Phant...

The Star War Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D trialer in glorious 2D! Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:

The Final Muppet Parody Trailer? Oct27

The Final Muppet Par...

Alright, they claim that this is the final Muppet parody trailer.  I for one hope that it isn’t.  These parody trailers are brilliant.  Hopefully they will continue to make parody trailers for other movies to put on their you tube channel.  But enough of...

The Walking Dead wil...

After a record breaking season 2 premier of 7.3 million viewers AMC has announce the renewal of The Walking Dead for a third season. AMC’s President, Charlie Collier said: “Today we are pleased to announce that the ‘dead’ shall live as we...

Justyce Served ̵...

Miwk Publishing have announced a new book that explores the history of the Audio Visuals – Adventures in Time & Space.  A fan produced series of Doctor Who audio adventures starring Nicholas (voice of the Daleks) Briggs as the Doctor, that ran between 1984 and 1991. From...

Warner Brothers to S...

Warner in a move similar to the way Disney handles their animated movies appears to be retiring the boy wizard to the Chamber of Secrets (AKA Disney Vault), in an attempt to spur sales of the final Harry Potter movie and the complete Harry Potter Box Set.  This move will surely push...

Save Doctor Who Conf...

Help save Doctor Who Confidential by signing the Petition.  The Save Doctor Who Confidential group will take a count of the petition signatures on Friday, October 28th at midnight and then send the signatures to the BBC Trust. Follow @SaveDWC on twitter or like them on Facebook...

Mark Hamill Hangs up...

Mark Hamill, the voice of the animated Joker for almost 20 years, announced this morning via Twitter that he was retiring as the voice of Batman’s arch nemesis. “Hello/Goodbye Joker! I’ve enjoyed every minute behind the wheel of the Crown Prince’s crazy car...

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Chuck Season 5 Preview Oct24

Chuck Season 5 Previ...

Here is a preview of the upcomming 5th and final season of Chuck, which premieres this Friday on NBC.   Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

SciFiFX Podcast #32 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we discuss the last 2 years of Doctor Who and where we hope it goes in the future.  We then talk about the differences...

Fellowship on UStream Oct24

Fellowship on UStrea...

Free desktop streaming application by...

Zombie Apocalypse Pr...

Zombie Apocalypse is a SyFy Channel Original Movie that premiers Saturday, October 29th at 9PM (ET/PT). ***Warning the Following contains Minor Spoilers*** As far as Zombie movies go Zombie Apocalypse is pretty good.  I mean you have Ving Rhames using a huge sledge hammer to kill...

Chronicle Trailer

Chronicle is a movie that follows three superpowered teens around camcorder style.  From the trailer they do exactly what you would expect teens with superpowers to do, basically just have some fun and play minor pranks.  That is until one of them snaps and goes Dark...

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Steven Moffat on Con...

In the most recent edition of Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat has given his opinion on the controversial cancellation of Doctor Who Confidential. “It seems hard to grasp. All shows have their time, and all shows end, but not, in all sanity, while people still watch and love...

Fourth Star Ship Tro...

Yes that’s right they are making a fourth Star Ship Troopers movie, but don’t worry too much this one is going to be a CG animated feature.  Titled Starship Troopers: Invasion, its set to go straight to DVD/Blu-ray.  Yep it’s...

Sherlock Holmes: A G...

This looks like it will be a lot of fun, a fitting sequel. Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:

Farewell, My Sarah J...

Today we saw the last episode of the wonderful Sarah Jane Adventures.  Hopefully the BBC will see fit to continue the adventures of Sarah Jane Smith in novels or a comic book series.  Sadly Elisabeth Sladen has left us, but Sarah Jane will live on forever.  It was with...

Blake’s 7: The...

Well it would appear that we are finally going to get some new Blake’s 7, no not the much anticipated on again off again remake/reboot TV series.  Thanks to a license deal with B7 Enterprises, Big Finish are publishing a line of Blake’s 7 novels as...

Star Wars Plush Vehi...

Oh they’re soo cute! Those crazy monkeys over at Think Geek are offering plush Star Wars vehicles.  The Millenium Falcon, and X-Wing, and an AT-AT are all available for $9.99 each.  Click here to order yours! Follow Us on Twitter @SciFiFX Like us on Facebook:...

SciFiFX Podcast #31 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we talk about Barnes & Nobel’s Snit Fit with DC Comics.  We also talk about some Extreme Fans having plastic...

Terra Nova borrows from many SciFi Franchises Oct09

Terra Nova borrows f...

Yes Terra Nova borrows from many SciFi franchises, but that can be a good thing if done properly. Premise:  In the future mankind has ecologically ruined the earth to the point where you have to wear a re-breather just to go outside.  Fresh or...

Barnes and Noble Sni...

The B&N Executives have decided in their infinite “Wisdom” to remove 100 DC Comics Graphic novels from all their store shelves.  These titles include such classics and still very well selling titles as Watchmen and Neil Gaiman’s...

SciFiFX Podcast #30 ... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSThis week we have an in depth discussion on the new Super Sexed up DC comics. Then we discuss the unfortunate cancellation of Doctor Who...